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Knock Knock
David goes to open the door of the hotel room.
- What now? David says rolling his eyes.
- Wanna tell me what's going on?- Brett while steppin' in the room.
- Please make yourself comfortable- David in a completely sarcastic tone.
- Ok I know you had feelings for her, and forced yourself to push them away, and I think maybe you're getting hooked again.
- No of course not, I'm aware that we are never going to happen ok? She's got a boyfriend, and she has for a long time, and now I've got a girlfriend and I want to be happy so badly! I love Winona, I mean not in any sort of romantic way, she's my friend, I care about her, and that's it.
- Who do you want to fool David? You're just lying to yourself and you know it. You read your script right?! You know you're gonna have to kiss her, and then what?- Brett insists.
- And then everything will remain the same cause we are grownups and professionals. You know she's the one who made that clear! We were talking after the table read, she asked me why I wouldn't call her anymore as I used to, I told her that Lily thought there was something between us, and she made perfectly clear that that's bullshit ok? That that's not even possible cause we're friends! I just wanted to make Lily feel safe, so I promised her I wouldn't hang out with her as usual, now I regret that.
- See? Even Lily can tell you like her.
-Would you stop doing this?
- Alright, just don't tell I didn't warn you. Why is your room so nice?
- What?
- Your hotel room is so big and comfy.
- Well I don't care you like it, you're not staying!
- I don't wanna stay, I have a date in a couple hours.
- Here? You hooked up in the 12 hours you've been here
- Yes I did! And at least someone is gonna get lucky tonight.
- Goodbye Brett!- Says David as he pushes Brett outside.
Winona was passing by when she saw them rustling.
- What are you guys hanging out or..? Winona said.
- Brett was just leaving.
- Yeah, see you tomorrow- Brett rushed into his room.
- Wait tomorrow? Isn't he coming to dinner?
- He says he's got a date so..
- Oh... uhm ok. I'm gonna go now, I'm really hungry.
- No wait, I need to talk to you- He grabs her hand and drags her into his room.
- What are you doing?! You're not supposed to be with me.
- Look I'm sorry I was douchebag with the hole Lily situation, I can't lose you, you're one of the most important people in my life, I should have never agreed not seeing you or calling you, I'm really sorry Noni. Would you forgive me?- David says as he takes both her hands into his.

Winona skipped a beat when he grabbed her hands and looked at her with those beautiful blue eyes, she couldn't say no.
- Of course I forgive you- She replies with the sweetest voice.
David was so happy he pulled her into a hug. It was so cold this days in Lithuania, even inside the hotel room, and the warmth of David's hug was all she needed. She was heartbroken, but she knew it wasn't the reason why she felt so good on his arms, it wasn't a feelling out of spite, it was natural since the day they became friends.
- I have a bottle of wine hidden somewhere in this room- David says looking for the bootle.
- Told you we shouldn't be drinking tonight, we start filming tomorrow morning.
- C'mon it's Valentines Day! We deserve to celebrate a little between friends. Besides... couple of drinks wouldn't hurt anyone- He says while pouring the wine into a glass and handing it to her- Come sit by the fireplace, it's freezing in here.
- Uhm... ok- Winona couldn't help thinking about her fight with Scott about Valentines Day.
- Hey what's going on? Did I say something wrong?
- I uh... I had a pretty big fight with Scott before leaving for the airport, he didn't even came to say goodbye. I mean we've had arguments like any other couple but never constantly, and last time was quite awful.
- Wow, I'm so sorry I don't know what to say, I thought he was like... your life partner... how are you feeling?
- I really don't know how to feel, he hasn't even called me to make things right again, I mean I don't even know what he's doing at this point, and it's Valentine's Day God damn it! I'm just out of my mind right now.
- Winona look at me! You are the most incredible person I've ever met, if Scott is dumb enough not to realize that and try to get you back maybe he doesn't deserve you. You will find your soulmate.
But at this point she knew her soulmate was looking right into her eyes, and he had a woman waiting for him back home, it wasn't right.
- Yeah maybe you are right, I'm just too old for this bullshit.
- What did you just say? Don't ever dare say that again.
- What?! It is true.
- You are God Damn Winona Ryder for fuck's sake! And you're still hot as fuck!
- David!
- What?! It is true!
They both started laughing out loud like crazy, everything was like old times again.
- Omg! Ok... alright, maybe you're just starting to get a little dizzy from the wine.
- Maybe I'm not- David said in a teasing way.
They both kept smiling at each other, and they kept getting closer. The distance between their faces is now of a couple of centimeters. David is thinking "Why? Why does that shitty little bastard Brett always has to be right? I can stay away for months but then I just have her around and start feeling like this again!"

A phone started ringing, it was David's cellphone, Lily was calling, so he went to answer the call.
- Hey... babe how are you? ... No I'm just mmm ... you know hanging out with Noni..
- What the fuck David?!- Lily's voice could be heard from the phone.
Winona stood up, leaving the glass on a table, and made her way to the door.
-Wait!- David muttered so Lily wouldn't hear, as he grabbed her hand.
- Let me go- She said withdrawing her hand and going back to her room.
- Lily, I'm sorry, I'll call you back!- He ran after her and started knocking on her door- Winona please open the door, I need to talk to you.
She opens the door ajar, revealing only her face and little else.
- It's ok David... I.. uh.. I get it, that's why I made my way out of your room.
- No it's not ok! I should be able to spend time with you and she can't be annoyed by that!
- David calm down, you just do what you need to do to save your relationship... ok? It's been a long day, and I really need to rest, I'll go to bed now.
- I'm so sorry Noni.
- Don't be, it's not your fault. See you tomorrow- She gave him a glance before closing the door and stud there for a couple of minutes. She can't stand Lily, but she was right! "Maybe David doesn't feel this way, but I do! And he's in love with Lily, ugh God I can't do this, it's not fair to him, I need to stay away".

𝐂𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐲𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 (𝙳𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚗𝚊~𝙹𝚘𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚛)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora