chapter thirteen

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even though he went to bed rather late the night before, hongjoong woke up bright and early sunday morning. he couldn't help it, he was too excited to spend the whole day with one of his favorite people in the world, his brother.

when he checked his phone, hongjoong realized it was only eight thirty.

no way jongho will be awake this early, the boy thought to himself with a pout.

hongjoong sat up in his bed, thinking of ways to pass the time before jongho would wake up. suddenly, a lightbulb went off in the small boy's head.

he quickly jumped out of bed, rushing to the bathroom to brush his teeth and start his day. after finishing his morning routine, hongjoong ran downstairs into the kitchen.

he knew there wasn't much he could really make his brother since he couldn't use knives or the stove, so he began to think of what to make his brother for breakfast.

he looked around the counter, eyeing all the food that was already prepared. he smiled, noticing his mom bought cookies, granola bars, and cereal for the boys to eat while she was gone.

hongjoong then checked the fridge and squealed when he noticed the container of fresh strawberries his mom bought him. he quickly took them out and grabbed two plates and two bowls for both him and jongho.

hongjoong then began preparing breakfast for him and his brother. he opened the box of cookies, putting four on jongho's plate and two onto his own. he then opened one granola bar for each of them, placing it right next to the stack of cookies. for the last treat on the plate, he put three strawberries on his brother's plate and six for himself.

hongjoong then poured cinnamon toast crunch into both bowls. after putting the cereal in, the boy realized he needed milk. he didn't typically pour his own drinks, so hongjoong was a bit nervous to fill the bowls. he pushed his worries to the side, wanting to impress his brother with his newly acquired skill.

hongjoong took out the white liquid and began pouring the milk into the cereal bowls, not spilling anything on the counter or floor. he smiled widely, extremely proud of his small achievement.

the small boy was on a roll. everything was going perfect, and he didn't want to stop. he realized he still needed drinks, so he ran towards the cabinet to grab two cups.

once he placed the cups down, he picked up the carton of milk once again. being a little careless this time around, hongjoong began pouring his first glass.

as hongjoong was pouring, he completely forgot that he eventually needed to stop before the cup could overflow. before he knew it, there was milk flowing over the top of the cup.

"oh my god, jongie is gonna kill me!" hongjoong quietly shouted, running towards the paper towels.

thankfully, the mess was minor. it only took two small paper towels to clean up. once the boy finished wiping the counter and floor down, he let out a big sigh and wiped the imaginary sweat off his forehead and began filling the second cup extremely carefully.

for the final touch, hongjoong squirted some whipped cream onto both plates. after putting all his materials into the fridge, hongjoong smiled at his masterpiece.

"it's beautiful!" hongjoong cheered to himself, clapping his hands vigorously.

after checking his phone, hongjoong noticed it was already a little after nine. he then began taking the food into his room, moving slowly so he wouldn't spill anything.

once all the food was upstairs, hongjoong began changing. he opened his closet, contemplating which dress to put on for their promised tea party.

after looking through all of his potential options, hongjoong decided on his favorite light blue costume. he loved this dress very much. every time hongjoong wore it, he said he felt like cinderella.

end of the day | seongjoongWhere stories live. Discover now