The new student

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It was a normal week, day, as though I thought. I was getting the lesson plans ready and setting up for the new kid. Fauna I think it was. Before I knew it kids started to pour into my classroom. I looked around to see if Fauna was there, to have her introduce herself, but she wasn't. Instead of worrying about it I started class thinking she got lost or something. 20 minutes later she enter, she took a seat and pulled out a notebook and started to draw. Kinda annoyed I asked her to introduce and say somethings about herself, she agree and proceeded to stand up. "Ummm hi I guess... I'm Fauna. I don't like thing, but do like drawing, eating, sleeping, and I don't know... music. People call me a crackhead nothing new. Oh. Also i hate introducing my self." She didn't say it snobby, but in a normal tone.

As class started to go on she continued to draw. When I asked her to stop drawing and pay attention she look and me Dead in the eye and said "Ok, just give me 2 and a half hours." I was now starting get more then annoyed, class was going to end in 2 and a half hours. I walked towards her desk, and asked for the notebook. She then said "Try not to get it dirty" as she handed it to me. I walked to my desk and put the notebook in my drawer. Before I could even start to teach again she had the dignity to say "This is boring, please for the love of Madara, speed things up." "Do you want to teach" I responded with. To my surprised she said yes. She stood up and walked to the board. I tried to tell her I was just joking, that it would be smart for her to sit down. But she then told me "Well good thing I ain't smart. Ahem, this is important work. This is what you will need to know for the future." Then she started to write on the board. I started to yell at her to sit down, but only got told. "Un uh uh, you told me I could teach. But don't worry it will only take a little while." I then sighed and sat down at my desk. She started to continue to write on the board what it looked like to be a equation, a very complex equation. She then started to work it out while explaining herself. Not well, but still. When she was done she circled her answer and said "This is why school is a bunch of bull, thank you very much." She sheepishly smiled at me saying "I said it wouldn't take long." I rolled my eyes and said "Sit", she winked at me and sat down in a different seat. "It did take long, 14 minutes to be exact," I said. She just looked at me and said "Well that was the best 14 minutes this class has ever seen." After I erased her stupidity off the board I continued to teach.

When class was over I pulled her aside and asked her to stay after for a little bit. We both walk back into my classroom and we both sat down. "What was that." "Pure awesomeness," she said. I took a deep breath and said "No, it was disrupting." "Sorry", she murmured, "I can't help it if you have a bad sense of taste." "Don't. Don't disrupt class again please or else I'm going to have to hold you after class again. Next time it will be longer." "Oh, fun a detention", she smiled. I sighed and dismissed her to leave, but she stayed. Lightly annoyed I once again asked her to leave, but she didn't. So I just decided to let her stay for a bit more.

"Why are you still here" "What am I not welcomed", she so innocently said. "No." She then looked up from her notebook, that she stole back from me when I wasn't looking, and said "You remind me of a tomato." "Why in the world a tomato," I sighed. A Sinister grin started to form on her face and she told me "Cause people don't know if your a fruit or not." "Out", I said and started to shoo her out. "Wha- why" "You know why. My classroom my rules out." She wink at me and said "Ok, See you tomorrow." I stayed a little bit after that and got some more work done before I headed home and went on with the rest of my life. When I got home there was a note on my door. I grabbed the note and went inside where I proceeded to read it. It read as the following :|Hola, Bonjour, and Konichiwa my good friend. Glad you saw and found this message, you don't know it, but I blessed you with the works of Madara and his oh so sexyness. See you tomorrow... Ps, there is a surprise waiting for you when you walk in. Don't worry it wouldn't be a prank more like a gift. Do you like Drawings? - from you least favorite student:| At least she got that part right, I thought, welp I guess I will find out tomorrow. But I swear If It that crap she draws in her notebook so help me I will... I just sighed and went back to my life. (Again)

[Crackfic] Iruka and the New StudentWhere stories live. Discover now