Drawings 101

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I get up and get ready, like every other day, and head towards the academy. I was carrying some books for my lessons. When I came into my room however I dropped them almost immediately and stared in complete awe. Pictues, no drawings were hung up all around my classroom. I looked around my room completely and utterly speechless. My eyes finally landed on, no other then, "Fauna!!!" "Yes", she so innocently stated. "The fu- Why!!!" "You were about to say..." "No. I was not! I am a teacher and it is unethical for a teacher to cuss, especially in front of students." "Especially in front of students... hmmm, you don't cuss at home, with friends, in the bed with Ka-" "No, I don't." "Ok, ok. But are you sure about the last one" "Language", I said. "I didn't actually say it." I then gave her her a stern look and said, "You were going to."

I picked up all my books and went inside. Then I went over to the wall to grab a picture. "What is this!?!" "Family friendly hentai." "There is no such thing as FAMILY FRIENDLY HENTAI!" "What do you mean I draw it all the time", she calmly said. "Wait. We Need To Take All These Down Now Before", before I could finish the Principal enter. He looked like he was going to tell me something not really important, but when he saw the room he stood there, jaw open and eyes wide. He didn't say anything for a few moments before his confused expression turned bitter. "Iruka, my office after class. I happen to now have a few things to discuss with you", and with that he shut the door. "FAUNA!!!" "Yes darling" "Don't call me that ever again!" "Why so mad", she pouted. "There are ludicrous drawings all over my room and kids should be arriving any minute now!" After I said that Fauna stayed quite to let my words sink in. "Oh my kami, any minute... HELP ME CLEAN THIS NOW!" We just managed to take down all the drawing when kids started to pour in. "Please take a seat Fauna", I said because she was still standing at my desk with those... those drawings.

Class was half way done and I was trying to explain about chakra control, BUT NOBODY WAS LISTENING. I turned around to see why. No other then Fauna causeing the somewhat quite commotion. "Quite, please" "And what if I don't", she snapped back. "For the love of kami- You'll see" "You shouldn't use Kami's name in vain. It is a bad thing. Especially for a teacher to do so." "Tomorrow see me after class" I started to hear ohhh's throughtout the class room before Fauna decided to say, "Do you want me to bring flowers or..." "Enough. Please refrain from commenting." "Humph. And here I though you wanted to ha-" "No, be quite. Or I'll be forced to send you down to the principal." "Aren't you in enough trouble with the principal?" "Because of you! Now out." "Huh" "I said out" "You want me to leave. Like go home and take a bath." "No, I want you to take a trip to", just then Fauna interrupted me and said, "To the Philippines." "No, to the principal. Now go", I pointed to the door and she then got the idea and said, "Oh, you actually want me to go." "Yes, I do." I kinda shook my hand while still pointing at the door to get her to leave. She stood up and right before she walked out the door she smiled, looked at me, and said "See you tomorrow!"

I continued to teach the class, but not with as much confidence that had the other day. I finished up class with a little problem, besides the occasional talking. When class ended I cleaned up, put paper away, and mentally prepared for the newly scheduled appointment in a few minutes. After I put everything away, not wanting anything out of place since I'm already on thin ice, and I started my adventure towards the principal's office. When I arrived I knocked on the door and her a distinct "Come in", and walked in.

"Sit down, I have a few words to discuss with you two", he said. You two I thought, but just then I heard Fauna say, "This should be good." I glanced over at her and quickly looked back not wanting to give away my, small but still existent, killing intent. "Iruka. Fauna. Do you care to explain why all of those", he looks at me for a moment before looking back at both of us, "drawing came from." Does he think I did it, I thought. "Yes, I'll explain", Fauna said before I could. Oh great, I thought. "Those were drawings", she continued. "I know what they are", the principal said clearly with anger in is voice. "Well then what is there more to explain?" "Why were they there", he said more sternly. "Cause I put them up", Fauna said with slight attitude, "Is there a problem with that?" "Fauna", I quietly yelled, "Manures." "Yes, there is a problem with that. The problem is what was on those pictures", then he continued to say, "I'm guessing you were behind it. Weren't you Fauna, but Iruka your going to still be held somewhat accountable since it is your classroom and student." I resist the urge to give her a mean look. I heard him sigh and say, "I'll let it slip this time Iruka, but you know I can file you for these things even if you didn't do it. The student is still your responsibility, but if something like this happen like this again it will go into files you understand." "Yes", I say, "It won't happen again." "With that, you two are dismissed."

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