Author's Note

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Thank you so much for taking the time to read my book. Shapeshifters has gone back and forth with different publishers to try to find a good publishing route. None have taken hold yet, but I have one promising publisher as of May 2020.

This version of Shapeshifters was the one that I spent 37 weeks writing and another couple of months editing. I began book two later in the same year that I finished this but ended up putting the writing of book two off until now. Why?

I met an author who told me I had promise in my ideas and their publishing company's card. I began rewriting Shapeshifters the next week. The second version is now up (Shapeshifters (UPDATED)) and ready to be read.

The new version took me 21 weeks to write and about a year to edit (Only because I came up with an 8 round editing process). I'm hoping to get more of my books and idea up. Enjoy the new version of Shapeshifters and keep a lookout for Shapeshifters: The Quest!

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