Chapter 1.3

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        Well, since some of you (okay, one of you) wanted to hear about me and Mads, I decided that I should be up front. I've only known him since the beginning of the year. And I'll admit, it sounds like a lot of baloney (or bologna if we're being official about the spelling) when I say I really like him this early on. Or maybe it doesn't, but it would to me if it were someone else. He's really intelligent, sweet, and really caring. And he doesn't freak out about anything and frankly it's a bit terrifying when I ask him to do things that are huge for me and I'm sitting, hyperventilating, while he's just fine. I don't know if he takes us as seriously as I do and if he's as crazy about me as I am him, but that's just the risk I'm going to have to take, because I really, really care about him, and I'll take what I can get.

        So we met on the first day of school. I was super psyched for SC, knowing that it meant I was going to paid and I'm super frugal.

        NOTE: For those who don't know what a SC class does, we build and paint the set for the school's theater productions. We also design the lights, sound, props, and costumes. We also are backstage and take care of things like the curtains and moving set pieces. And at my school specifically, we get paid to run rentals of the auditorium because ours is really, really nice. So functions and meetings will rent it out a lot.

        Anyway, we met on the first day. Even though I like talking to people and meeting people a lot, I was super anxious and kinda just stayed quiet. But we did some get to know you things. So I saw Mads and immediately my first impression was (hear me out I'm not only shallow) "Daaaaang that's kid's attractive" During the rest of the class, I figured out how funny and intelligent he is. It was- well it was a good day.

        Over time, considering how super awkward I am, we didn't talk a ton, mainly in group settings. But after the first performance nights, (SC and the cast have a tradition to go to a burger place after each performance night. We all talked and laughed and there were only like four of us at this one table, so I really got to talk to Mads more. Maybe it was just for me, but those nights were really magical.

        You know how Mirahn really likes drama? Well if you didn't, now you do. She and I were running a rental one night, and she developed the theory that I liked Mads. I wasn't sure yet and I didn't want to get my hopes up, so I denied it. Vehemently. Our argument had devolved to the point where it was Mirahn saying "Yes!" and me denying it. Then, Mads, who was there for his brother's concert, came up to watch from the booth. (The booth is where all of the light and sound stuff is, so we aren't backstage.) He walked in on us arguing. He was very confused and being the adorably oblivious boy he is, he just started working on his stuff he'd brought up to work on. Then, something happened. It was absolutely terrifying. He figured out that the argument was about a boy. He just didn't know who, yet.


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