Chapter 1.4

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        Everyone was in a backstage hallway. Mirahn and I were walking and talking, and she tripped me. I totally thought it was an accident, then she whispered in my ear "I tripped you so that Mads could catch you." I, of course, spluttered, and of COURSE Kiki had to overhear.

        "DO YOU LIKE MADS?!" she whisper-yelled

        I mentally facepalmed. A lot.



        Ugh. Every dang time. Unfortunately, Mirahn and I were arguing again.

        "Ask him for his number!" she pressed

        "No! At least not yet."


        "...I promise there's a perfectly good reason, I just- ugh."

        So then Wade and Mads overheard and by this time all of SC knew that I liked someone but only Mirahn and Kiki knew who. Then Kiki and Mirahn broke and told Kaya. So eight of us were talking; Wade, Mads, Kaya, Kiki, Mirahn, me, Ivan, and Jax (two other boys in SC). Wade however, somehow knew who I liked. I turned my head to look at Mirahn, terrified and a bit ticked off that it was her doing.

        "In my defense it was 2 am!" she said indignantly, confirming my terror.

        "Why in the world were you texting him at 2 am?!"

        She paused. "I'm not sure." she muttered, somewhat sheepishly.

        So then all of them continued to grill me about who it was. Being the closest things I had to brothers, it was really sweet when they found out that I wanted this guy's number even though they didn't have a clue who it was.

        "Wait, you want someone's number?" Brendan asked, intrigued.

        "Who is it?" Ivan pressed.

        "We can get it for you! Just tell us who it is." Mads claimed.

        "Whose number are we getting?" Wade asked, a bit out of the loop, as he had been talking to someone else. I just avoided saying anything that would give it away for a solid 10 minutes.

        Well then there was another rental that came up, and even though we had to go work, (Queen had almost had our heads) we just had to finish the conversation. Because we're just chatty teenagers like that. The rental was a dance performance. And since Mads really wanted to figure out who I liked, he asked if I would come up with him and Mirahn. Of course I started losing it, considering I'm a fangirl to the core, but I said I'd have to check if I was free. Of course I was free, I don't have a life. But I had to make sure I could get a ride, considering I'm not legally allowed to drive. Well, alone anyway. After a while, the topic changed and they forgot so I could finally breathe normally again. Then we actually had to start working because we had nearly forgotten about working.

        Then the night of the rental came. Queen came up for the beginning and so did Lyra. (The only person who rivals Queen's knowledge of the booth. Honestly she probably knows more [I don't even know what she does for a job, but she helps out with huge shows and stuff.]) Lyra taught us all how to program light cues (LED lights that are projected onto a gigantic white curtain called the Psych) and all the while Queen just ignored my presence and the fact that I wasn't supposed to be there. It was a little bit terrifying. So after we had all practiced a tiny bit, Mads worked on programming light cues for ages and so me and Mirahn just chatted a lot. I was also emailing a friend on the computer that's up there, trying not to lose it. Normally I'd be semi-sane being in the same room as Mads and Mirahn, but in this case I was absolutely dead meat and I was terrified. The friend I was emailing to relieve my stress, Rosie, (I promise she looks like this, just imagine she's younger. Like 14 younger.) was super bored with nothing better to do, sitting in a hotel room in Brazil. It's  a long story, maybe I'll tell you sometime. I was also emailing her sister, Rae, but she's a little less key at this point.

        Anyway, she was basically just chilling and emailing us, but Mirahn had made a habit of hijacking my keyboard and emailing Rosie for me. So she was sitting there and I was just wincing every time because every comment was about me and Mads. Like, very fangirl-esque. Some were a little like,

        "It's super awkward but really cute."

        I don't even remember that well. A little part of me thinks my brain classified it as a traumatic experience and blocked it. She said this to a person that she had never met before. Why? I'll never know. And a lot of ship comments and- well you get it. At one point, taking a break, Mads came and looked at what we were doing. There's a reason you have multiple tabs on a screen. Solely for this purpose. When you're discussing the guy that you like on an email, you can discreetly switch tabs. I was on the verge of insanity and hyperventilation, but that's really nothing new. So once I had sufficiently lost my mind with anxiety, Mads was finally done. He, Mirahn, and I just chatted for a couple minutes until Mads finally realized there was something wrong. The reason I was there.

        "Waaait there's a reason you're here, we need to discuss." he resolved.


        "Fiiiiine. If we must." I resigned. Then of course Mirahn's ears perked up. I'm 95% sure she has a built-in drama radar. Well I guess we had to eventually.


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