Chapter 11

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"You did what?!?!"
I shush him and turn around to see if anyone was looking.
"It wasn't as bad as you think" I whisper and shove him slightly.
"Oh the fact that you slept with your butler isn't bad?" Brock asks
I grit my teeth and push him into a little closet by the kitchen.
"I did not sleep with him!" I spit.
He chuckles at me and then growls.
"So what did you do?" He scowls moving closer to me making me hit the wall behind me hard.
"All I did was kiss him and touch him a little bit. You can't judge me cause I know you've done worse."
"Oh why can't I judge you? I mean it's no trouble sleeping around with your dad's workers" he spits and I grasp his shirt pulling him closely and using my knee to hit his crotch. He doubles over in front of me and squirms.
"The fuck was that for?"
"You were all up in my face!" I yell and push open the door.
I storm out and run up the stairs.
"Aria!" I don't turn around but slam my room door behind me.
I jump on my bed and sigh, suddenly I was too tired to handle any more of Brock's criticism.
The door opens and I turn the other way. I hear the door knob lock and I squirm, he was going to yell at me.
I shake my head softly and whimper as I feel his weight being added to that of the bed's.
"Aria, I'm sorry..."
I stop shaking but don't turn around waiting for what he wanted to say.
"I just... well um. I just don't want you to get hurt. You've been going through a rough time with your dad being a drug dealer and all. I don't blame you for just wanting to have some fun"
I sit up and stare at him confused.
"How did you know? That my Papi's a... a..."
"Drug dealer? Well I knew you weren't going to tell me what happened between you and him so I went out searching and it turns out that your Papi is the drug dealer that every one wants. He's really popular."
I shake my head and chuckle.
"I'm sorry Ari, I don't mind you having fun. I just don't want you having fun with him" he whispers and I look up.
"So who am I meant to have fun with?"
He shifts closer on the bed and puts his whole body on the bed. My knees were up to my chest but he pulled them away , opening them in the process.
He laid himself down in the space between my thighs and looked up at me.
"I can give you all the fun you need" he whispers.
Too confused I don't reply but watch as he sits up and moves in so are faces are inches apart.
I feel his hand at the edge of my shirt and I gasp as he slowly begins lifting it up.
I put a hand on his to stop the motion but his hands just move into my shirt. As they come in contact with my nipples I let out a slight moan.
"See your nipples are already hard" he whispers and gives them a slight pinch.
I bite my lip and look up at him. He lowers his body even more and trails wet kisses from my neck to my cheek.
He looks at me as he pushes his lips against mine.
I stare straight at him and we keep the awkward position.
He smiles as he gets off me. He stretches out a hand and I take it reluctantly. As I get off the bed he swiftly spins me and places my arms around his neck.
He reaches low and grabs my ass. I smile a little as his face expression changes.
"Fuck... It's bigger" he sighs and I chuckle.
"Brock, I don't think we should go on" I say and his smile drops.
"'re having fun." he says
"I am but I'm just not comfortable doing this with you"
"You didn't mind doing it with me when your last boyfriend broke up with you"
"That's because I'm a girl, my emotions were peaked that day and you just happened to be in my room... shirtless."
He reaches between us and rips open his shirt. I gasp and then sigh looking up at his face.
"I'm sorry Brock" I whisper.
"At least give me something to remember this, cause I've pleased you already"
I roll my eyes and look down at his chest.
I trace a finger along his abs and bite my lip.
"Have you been working out?" I feel his eyes on me before I see him nod.
I crouch low in front of him and rub at his thighs, lightly puffing air through his pants.
I watch as his head goes back and he moans.
I unzip his zipper and gasp lightly as he cock jumps out.
"This looks bigger!" I exclaim and he smiles nervously.
I take it in my hand and Marvell at it before I slowly place it in my mouth.
I watch as his eyes go wide. I push on, moving my head up and down, with my tongue rubbing on his shaft. I use my hand to Palm the rest of his cock that wasn't it my mouth.
I hear him moan and moan until suddenly his shaking everywhere.
I move on and when I know he's on the edge of cumin, I take it out of my mouth and suck on two of his balls.
He cums into my hands and he falls down in the bed.
"You were always the best at those..." he whispered and I smiled.

"What was that sound that I heard in your room? It was like an elephant crying" Graciela asks as she plays with her food.
Everyone looks up at me and Papi drops his fork.
"Brock and I were in there together and after all the talking he started tickling me and my laugh... apparently is terrible" I say looking at him straight in the eyes.
"Yeah Papi, you should hear her when she laughs it's like a hyena crying and laughing at the same time."
Papi nods his head slowly and turns to me again.
"Maria, after dinner I want to speak with you in my office" he says and all eyes are back on me.
"Oh, but I need to get ready for my new school tomorrow" I smile and his lips drop into a frown.
"It will be a really quick meeting" he says and goes on with his food not waiting to see if I agreed or not.
I place the last mushroom in my mouth and excuse myself from the table before sneaking upstairs to hide in my room.
I open the door and furrow my eyebrows.
"Your Papi sent me up here... just in case you tried to skip meeting with him" Andrew says getting up from my bed.
I smile.
"And does he really think that you'll be able to drag me down the stairs?" I chuckle and Andrew smiles.
"Guys" he says and two men emerge from either side of the room.
I scowl and dash towards my closet but one grabs at me successfully.
"This is basically child abuse!" I yell kicking my legs about.
"Oh is it?" Andrew chuckles and leads the two men outside.

"Do you really think this is necessary?" I shake violently but the chains keep me down.
"It was either this or one of my men sat on you. And trust me you wouldn't want that"
I roll my eyes and watch as he observes my every movement.
"So can we get this in the road, cause I seriously have to get everyone ready for school"
He smiles and gets off his seat.
"So Maria... what happened the other day..."
"Don't sweat it, everyone seems to like the fact that our drug dealing Papi is rich because they don't know you're doing drugs. But don't worry I wouldn't tell anyone" I plaster a fake smile on my face.
"That your friend Brock, he seems a little too suspicious. I think it's because we tend to argue a lot." he says sitting on the table.
"Oh do we? You have to believe that's not my intention" I put on a little girls voice and I hear some men chuckle behind me.
"Well Maria, if you really do want to keep everyone happy then you'll at least try to get along with me"
"And why would I want anything to do with a drug dealer?" I spit.
"You're a little bitch, aren't you? You are as bad as I am" he hisses getting off the table.
"At least I'm not the one who does drugs" I yell shaking in the chair violently.
"Oh really? Cause I remember carefully, you bringing in a bag of quoted dangerous drugs in here last month."
"Someone sent me to do it"
"Well it's still drug trafficking no matter the situation and you dare yell at me for doing what I do. Well then Maria, nothing is stopping you from going to live on the streets. So why don't you go?"
I look up at him and growl.
"Untie me now"
He shakes his head and turns to his men.
"I recall one man telling me that one of my drug dealing opponents was in the house, but apparently he came to visit my daughter." he turns back to me and scowls.
"We're friends, plus he isn't a bad person" I say shifting uncomfortably.
"So he does drugs but he's not a bad person. I do drugs and I'm the biggest devil there is"
He storms towards his seat and grabs his books.
"Men... you know what to do" he says before departing.

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