Chapter 1: Misfortune

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"Aya, are you sure on what you're gonna do?" Chii asked.

"Yeah. It's been 3 years since I admired him. So, this is my only chance! Wish me luck!" I said cheerfully but, in my thoughts, I can't do it!

"Okay, go Aya! Just... Just think of him!"

"Okay!" I said.

Wait, let me introduce first. I'm Ayashi Ikezawa. 17 years old and currently on my senior high school. I'm going to confess my feelings to Natsume Seichi. The one I admired for 3 years. Actually, I don't know why I like him. I first saw him in our welcoming ceremony. He made a speech because he is the one that had the highest scores among us. So, today, is one of the special days of my life.

"Aya! He's here!" Chii shouted. I sighed and walked towards him. I looked down and he stopped in front of me.

"Can you get out of my way?" He said

"Can you read my letter?" I said and stretched my arms towards him.

"I don't want it." He said. I was reallh shocked that my eyes wants to come out. He walked away and I was out of my self but I managed to turn to him and shout.

"NATSUME SEICHI! I REALLY LIKE YOU!" He just walked as if he didn't heard me. Wait. I shouted, didn't I? WAAAH!! THEY ARE ALL LOOKING AT ME! OH EARTH! SWALLOW ME!!!

"Aya! Come here! Hurry!" I heard Chii said but I can't move from my position. I really can't move. What's happening to me?

- Lunch break (canteen)

"Hey, come on. Eat something." Chii suggested but I don't have an appetite right now so I just pushed the plate away.

"Aya, come on. Want me to open your mouth and force you to eat that?!" Miki added.

"I don't want to eat guys. You can eat without me." I said then stood up and walked out the canteen. I walked directly to our rooftop. Actually, it's my first time to go here. When I entered the rooftop, I ran towards the railings and sighed. After that...

"WAAAAAH! I'M REJECTED RIGHT?!?!?!? WHY WHY WHY?!?!?! I ADMIRE HIM FOR 3 YEARS BUT HE DOESN'T KNOW THAT! WHY?" I shouted. I can't hold my tears anymore and I burst out. I sat on the floor and cried. I can't understand. I just like him. Do I love him?

"I think you need this." somebody said so I raised my head and looked at that person.

"Take it. Let's talk after you cry." He said. I took his handkerchief and sneeze at it. Sorry, it's my way. I cried and cried for... I think 30 minutes. Then looked at him and talked to him

"Thanks for this handkerchief... But, who are you?"

"I'm Kiro. Kiro Takashi. At your service."

"Thanks, Kiro..."

"Can I ask why you're crying, Ayashi?"

"Becau--- wait?! Y-you know my name?"

"Yeah, Actually, you dropped your I.D so I followed you here and here is your I.D. I also heard rumors about your confession." He said and because of that, I suddenly felt embarassed.

"It's alright. You don't have to be embarassed. After all, I can be your friend." He said in convincing tone.


"Yeah. So, we're friends. I'm actually a transferee here. I'm from Korea but I'm a full Japanese."

"I'm Ayashi Ikezawa. Im in senior high school."

"Nice meeting you. You can keep tjat handkerchief. So, I gotta go Ayashi. Bye."

"Thanks. Bye." I said and waved him goodbye. At least I gained another friend in this school. But, my feelings eased just a little bit.


I turned to the door to see who called my name. It's Chii and Miki.

"Yah! Why are you here?!" Miki asked.

"I just want to. At least I shouted until my heart's content."

"Aya, we're always here for you, okay?"

"I know."

"Let's go, we're gonna be late." Chii

"Let's go." I said. I don't want to say more today. I want to go home and sleep.

-At my House-

I just came in my house. Yeah, 'my'. I'm the only one living here. My mom died since when I'm a child. My dad is a restaurant owner but, he sleeps in his restaurant. He's saving money for our own house.

I cooked noodles for my self and while I'm in middle of my cooking, suddenly, someone called so I need to go to out living room to answer the telephone.


"Aya? This is your dad. How are you?"

"I'm fine dad. Good as always. Why?"

"Nothing. Be careful okay? Oh, and, can you come here tomorrow? I need to tell you something."

"Okay dad.B-- wait! What is that smell? It smells like... Burning!!" I shouted. I dropped the telephone and rushed to the kitchen but bad luck, there's a fire!!! It's like swallowing the kitchen. It spread so quickly so I need to go out of the house! But, when I'm about to go out the kitchen, something fell down then--- black out.

Arghhh! What a MISFORTUNE!

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