Bring Them In

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ruby fall to the ground followed by Weiss and Blake and yang along with team JNPR and professor Goodwitch and Professor Ozpin along with Qrow , General ironwood and winter and Schnee family along with tai and raven and the villains and  Salem*

Ruby ( groans) : where are we *looking around the Theater*
Weiss : I don't but yang get of me your to have along with Blake * trying to move them off her *
Yang : sorry *gets of her *
*Ruby see everyone here as well *
Ruby : uncle. Qrow * jumps on him* Oh hi Do  you miss me do you miss me * looking happy*
Qrow *smiles* Nope * ruffles her hair* hey oz *looking at Ozpin *
Ozpin: Qrow James and * shocked seeing Salem * S Salem
* Before Salem can say something someone interrupts her *
Unknown voice: Hello  * everyone looks at the person looking at them*

Pyrrha: who are you * looking at the person who is wear a battle armor with yellow and black and a mask *
My name is Hanzo Hasashi  : man now name Hanzo*
Ozpin: why are we here * starring at Hanzo *
Hanzo : You all will be watching a battle to the death known as Mortal Kombat tournament

Jaune: Mortal

Ren: Kombat

Nora: Mortal Kombat is like a Vytal Festival tournament

Hanzo : not quite like your tournament this is has blood bath that kills your opponent it is to survive .

Tyrian * laugh maniacally * will I can't wait to see that

Raven : so is like the weak die and the strong live

Hanzo : yes but they don't run from danger like you do raven * raven get angry *

Raven : I don't run from danger I run to survive *looking at Hanzo *

Hanzo looking at raven with burning hatred * you abandoned your family for nothing and go back to your tribe of thieves and murders you are nothing but a disgraced as a huntress and for that we will be watching the History of Mortal Kombat first up is the Deadly Alliance

     * Screen light up *

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