Chapter 12- Stay away

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Chapter 12

*Sasha slapped his hands off and rolled her eyes at him, while he smiled and winked*

"Who told you it was your child?!" She yelled.

"Shhhh, I don't want you to upset our baby" He said while putting his finger on his lips.

"Please get out!" Sasha shouted.

The doctor along with some nurses rushed into the room.

"Oh good, thank goodness, you're here, get him out, tell him to stay away from me" She weeped.

"You can neglect me, all you want but I refuse to neglect my child, I'll see you around " He said while pointing his two fingers at his eyes and then point them at her.

"Get out!!!!" Sasha yelled.

The nurses went to calm her down.

They escorted Allen out the hospital.

*knock knock*

Reece: yo who dat!

Raymond : Me

Reece: oh

*Door pushed open*

"So weh yah go plan fi do?" Asked Raymond.

"Deh yere thinking of a plan" Replied Reece.

"Wah that?" Asked Raymond.

Reece looked too see if their mother was passing by or standing close by eavesdropping, then he continued....

"Alright, listen......" Said Reece as he put his mouth behind the back of his hand going up to Raymond's ear.

"Yuh mad?!" Raymond replied.

"Just cool nuh!" Answered Reece.

"N how you sure dat going to work?" Replied Raymond.

"Listen, just comply and don't fret" Said Reece.

"Sigh" replied Raymond.

He got up and left Raymond's room.

*One week later*

It was time for Sasha to go home, She was eighteen so she could make her own decisions with who she decides to stay with, but her options aren't really the best.

The mansion is on lockdown due to investigation purposes, She was still upset with Reece and skeptical about staying with the family and worst of all she was definitely not thinking about going to stay with The Roseés.

As she was getting ready to leave, she spotted someone familiar from a far, she squinched her eyes to take a closer look, she noticed the walking, yeah, she knew for a fact who it was now, only one person she knew walked like that. With their head up walking laboured, slow and relaxed with the earring shining.
She saw them coming towards her with a big suitcase.

It was Reece.

"What are you doing?" Sasha said.

"Listen, sorry bout the other day, did a think bout it lately and hey! Without you, there's no us."He said.

Sasha smiled.

He rubbed his hand against her face.

"I missed you" She said.

The doctor came to talk to them.

This was obviously all new to Reece, ensuring she made it to her appointments and ensuring she eats healthy. He was the last child, he has no experience with helping a pregnant woman but he was willing to learn.

"So where are you going with this big suitcase " She said then slapped it.

" You'll see when we get there" He replied.

"Am I not going to your house??" She asked.

"No, silly " He said "We going out of town" He answered.

"Let's go" He said while smiling.

To be continued.........

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Fret - means to worry

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