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SITE NEWS: Earlier in the day, SCP-106 had once again breached containment, and a D-class personnel was expended to recontain it. Due to the speed of the procedure, there were only twenty staff casualties. Five of the staff have reappeared from SCP-106's pocket dimension. Two of the staff recovered have already died; the remaining three are in critical condition.
Because of the damage done to the Site, all non-guard personnel were ordered to the closest break room to them. As procedure, some D-Class personnel are assigned to clean up any corrosive mucus with the help with containment techs (while also repairing the damage said mucus has caused), and so they will be present to repair the damage caused to Break Room A.

Author's Note: Everyone will be in Break Room A. TRT members do not qualify as guards, as they're more of a Site-based MTF, so they will also be there.

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