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"It's kind of wierd, having someone at your house and barely knowing anything about eachother. Please, tell me about yourself, Iruka-san. "

 "I guess you're right. My hobby is going to the hot spring, my favorite food is Ramen from that Ichiraku place down the street. My least favorite food is blended rice.... My favorite word is reliance. Anything you wanna share about you?"

 " Let's see... I'm Hatake Kakashi. Things I like and hate? I don't feel like telling you that. My dreams for the future? Never really thought about that. As for my hobbies... I have a lot of hobbies... "

 "What the hell kind of introduction is that? Aren't you the one who suggested we introduce ourselves?" Asked Iruka, laughing . "You'll learn about me as we spend more time together. " remarked Kakashi. Tch. He was the only one that was supposed to introduce himself. Well, I couldn't make the introduction any worse. "I guess it's a lot more interesting that way..." Replied Iruka, scratching the scar on his nose. "I guess so..."

Kakashi pulled out a book. Iruka read the title as Kakashi read it. Make Out Paradise?! How'd he get that!!!??? Iruka blushed, wondering what was in the story. It was rated R18+ after all. He took the book from his hands. "You shouldn't be reading that, considering you're still very underage. Where'd you even get that anyway?" Iruka tried to hide his excitement. Kakashi narrowed his eyes at him, a bit annoyed, but a bit interested in where the conversation would end up.

 " Oh, this? I got it from off the street. Somebody ended up dropping it, so careless... But who wouldn't take the opportunity?" Kakashi answered honestly. He took the book back, Iruka stuck out his tongue and looked away for a second.

"I guess you're not wrong... Even I'd take the opportunity, even if it was right in the open..." Iruka mumbled. Kakashi heard him, loud and clear.

 "So you are a closet pervert? Here I was thinking you were still innocent..." Kakashi teased.

"I-I'm not perverted!" Iruka yelled, blushing.

"You sure 'bout that, small fry?"

" You're at most an inch taller that me! "

"Making you a small fry."

" Bakashi! "

At that moment, Kakashi stopped talking. Iruka saw a sad look in Kakashi's eyes. A broken look. "What's wrong, Kakashi -san?" Iruka asked . Maybe Kakashi is a bit sensitive to being called names? It's not unheard of...

 "Um... A couple of years ago, a couple friends of mine and I were walking back from school... One of them used to call me Bakashi... Some psycho came out from an alley we were passing and... Gave me this scar. " Kakashi lifted his eye patch up and revealed a scar. Iruka just sat there, silently. A sudden sense of guilt ran through his veins.  "My friend decided to save us and... "Kakashi stopped talking again. "Well you understand don't you? "

 " I'm sorry... I really am..."

 "It's fine, just brought back memories... Besides, I had it coming..."

 He gave Iruka a warm smile. It was a while since Iruka received a smile like that. He felt happy about it, despite the fact that the smile was fake. He has the same smile as Oka-Sama's... That same damned smile. He felt empty, realizing how many times his mother faked a smile, just for him.

'end of flashback '


KakaIru- I'll Save You {discontinued}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz