Chapter One

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I heard the screeches of dying people around me, but I couldn't move. My friends, family and peers were dying around me, and I couldn't move. I watched in horror as my sister had her throat slit, she gargled, then hit the ground with a thud, her pink hair staining red with blood.


My sis-sister......

They killed her....

They killed my sister!

I got control over my body and filled with rage as I looked at my dead older sister. My head hung and and chakra started to swirl as my rage grew. The people who were attacking the village soon turned their attention to me, as my chakra grew and grew while covering me. I started to laugh manically as I tossed my head back, tears leaking out of my eyes.

"You...HAHAHA.....You killed...AHAHA......You killed her!" I sang, laughing between words. My mind was reeling and all of my senses were out of whack.

"She's dead! My sister and friends are dead! AHAHAHA! Do you know what this means? Do you?" I questioned, on the verge of insanity. The attackers eyes filled with horror and fear as they looked in my eyes.

"Now you get to die like they did! I will murder you like you murdered them!" I screamed out, my sanity snapping as my chakra sped out and stabbed the attackers bodies, killing them instantly. I started to laugh as they fell to the ground one by one, just like my villagers had. I heard a group of people approaching me, so I whirled around and frantically scanned the area. I group of ninja were looking at me in shock.

"Are you here to attack my village just as hey did?! Are you here to kill everyone, because it's too late! Everyone's dead! They killed them, They killed my sister! So I killed them! Their dead, Gone, no more, Nada! But I will protect this village to my last breath, even if I have to kill you!" I screamed, still on the verge of insanity as chakra covered my nine year old body. My body started to get shaky as my chakra drained and I snapped out of my insanity. I fell to the ground as my vision blanked, only for it to return a second later, along with all of my sanity. I pulled myself up and looked around. Bodies covered the area.

"Their dead......" I said almost silently, as the ninja looked at me in shock, obviously because of my change of attitude. Tears started to well up in my eyes as I looked at the ninja.

"We are ninja of Konoha, we are here to help." A man with gravity defying silver hair stated. The tears finally built up and spilled over, down my cheeks in streaks of pain. I ran towards the man, jumping over the fallen houses and dead bodies in the process, and clung to his waist, sobbing into his jacket. I could feel the rest of the group looking at me and the man in shock, when I suddenly let go, fell to the ground and clutched my head in pain as my memory turned blank and my vision started to fade. The man picked me up and started to run in a direction.

"We have to get her back to Konoha, and fast! Someone run ahead and inform them of our arrival. We will need medical attention for her fast. Someone go and search for survivors!" The man who was currently commanding yelled over my screams. I heard some replies and footsteps, but didn't pay them any heed as my vision faded, along with my consciousness.

"Thank y....." I didn't get to finish as my body finally went slack and my consciousness finally faded into the black, thinking of the man who saved me.

In love with the Sand (Gaara)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang