Chapter Eight

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"Kyoko, you'll be late if you don't drag me out of here soon!" Dad called as he opened and closed the front door. I finished slipping on my black shorts, red tank top, hoodie and black ninja shoes and jumped the stairs, wrapping him in a hug. I ran to the kitchen, grabbed an apple, ran into the lounge room while grabbing Kakashi and dragged him out the front door. That was our morning routine now, and we never did anything different. Laughing, he jumped up onto the roof while holding my hand and we ran in the direction of the academy. We didn't get any looks anymore, probably because we have been doing this for weeks now. While we were jumping, I took the time to wrap my upper left arm in a bandage. It still hadn't fully healed, and even if it did, it would scar. I tugged my hoodie arm back down and caught up with Kakashi.

"Now, don't cause too much trouble and do your best." With that, he jumped away, leaving me to find my way to the classroom by myself. I walked up two sets of stairs and saw a room with the number 301 on the door, but I only walked up two sets of stairs..... I ran up to one of the men at the door and tugged at his vest, causing him to look down at me.

"Yes?" He questioned, probably being nice since I was a kid. I pointed to the number on the door and shook my head, signifying the fact that it was wrong. He just smirked at me and released a genjutsu, revealing two different boys then what I saw before. I smiled victoriously at the boys and ran to the next set of stairs, now being able to see where they were. I quickly ran into the real room and looked around. There were a lot of people. I scanned the crowd for my team, but they weren't there. Sighing, I just sat down in the corner and started to think about what the test might be, only to be rudely interrupted, by a guy in a cat suit and a girl with spiky blond hair.

"What's a midget like you doing in the Chunin exams. Shouldn't you be in a sand pit?" The girl teasingly questioned, while I just raised my eyebrow. Really, a sand pit was the best she could come up with?

"What's wrong, cat got your tongue midget?" I started to silently laugh at that. He was dressed as a cat, and he was making cat jokes!

"Answer us!" With that, everyone's attention turned to us as she picked me up by my throat, but I continued laughing almost clutching my stomach because it hurt so much. The room went silent as my two attackers got more and more angry with me, as I only laughed silently harder. Finally, the girl got sick of me and flung me by my neck to the far wall, only for me to land on my feet, stuck to the wall and laughing harder.

"What the hell is your problem!" There's Ino, so that means the other two must be here as well.

"The midget wasn't answering our questions." Said the cat guy, clearly frustrated. Ino took one look at my laughing form and started to laugh as well.

"What the hell are you two laughing at!" The cat guy exclaimed, only making us laugh harder in the silent room. So Shikamaru decided to butt in.

"How troublesome. Sorry about Ino here, but my other team mate over there is mute if you hadn't noticed." At this point I was clutching my stomach in a fit of silent laughs, still stuck too the wall. Their faces contorted into realisation then horror as they realised how much attention they had brought to themselves.

"You better watch yourself midget." They both said at the same time, before stalking off to their third team mate. At this point I was laughing so hard I couldn't breathe, although to anyone else I probably looked like a nutter with the silently laughing on a wall thing.

"Alright listen up maggots." And the test begins. The Procter called Ibiki went on about how if we got caught cheating five times our team would be eliminated, lucky that he included the word caught. So we could cheat, just don't get caught.

"Go." With that I lowered my head and closed my eyes then opened them again, but kept my head lowered. I flipped over the page later then everyone else, causing me to earn some stares, but my team knew what I was doing. I looked through my 360 vision for someone with the answers, and swiftly copied them down. I put my pencil down but kept my eye activated just incase. I had learned that I could persuade people with my eye to do anything.

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