Chapter Five

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I woke early again, so I decided to have a shower. I walked over to my closet, but decided to wear some firm fitting black shorts, a red tank top, a grey jumper and black ninja shoes, instead of my normal clothes. I rushed to the bathroom, had a shower and quickly got changed, just in time to hear the front door close. I quickly jumped the stairs and wrapped Kakashi in a hug, like every other morning, ran to the kitchen and grabbed an apple, ran into the lounge room while grabbing Kakashi and dragged him out the door.

"What ya doing today pops?" I wrote down on some paper as we strolled along the rooftops, towards the training grounds.

"I'm going to be running a bell test, you?" He asked.

"I'm versing Kurenai Sensei's team." I wrote as we jumped to another roof.

"Be careful, I don't need you in the hospital." He said in a mocking tone.

"Hey! I don't know how I got there in the first place!" I wrote as I wore a smirk, knowing I had won.

"I know, but be careful." He said as he kissed my forehead, then jumped away. Sighing, I walked to the training grounds only to see Shikamaru, Ino and Asuma Sensei waiting. I waved my hand as I walked over to them.

"Oh hey Kyoko, now all we need is Choji and we can meet with team Kurenai." Said Ino excitedly, while I just signed at her excitement.

"I'm here! Sorry I'm late!" It was Choji. I turned to see his face stuffed with food, yet again.

"Great, now we can go." Said Asuma Sensei as he led us away from one training ground and towards another. After a short walk, I saw four figures sitting in the distance.

"Hey Kurenai!" Called Asuma as we neared them. I looked over to where the genin where sitting, and they were and odd bunch.

"Why don't you introduce yourselves." Said Kurenai Sensei, as she turned to her team.

"I'm Kiba!" Yelled the boy with a dog.

"I'm Hinata..." Mumbled a Hyuga girl.

"Shino." He must work with bugs.

"And you guys." Asuma Sensei motioned for us to introduce ourselves.

"I'm Ino!" I can feel a headache.

"I'm Shikamaru." Said Shikamaru lazily.

"I'm Choji." Said Choji, though it was muffled by food.

"And that's Kyoko." Finished Asuma Sensei for me. I smiled at him in thanks.

"Okay, well now that everyone is acquainted we might start pairing you up. So.... Kiba vs Shikamaru, Shino vs Choji, Hinata vs Ino and Kyoko can vs someone from Gai Sensei's team." Finished Kurenai Sensei. Sounds good and- WAIT WHAT! I turned towards Kurenai Sensei like she had grown another arm as my mouth dropped along with the other genin. At the though of seeing Gai Sensei, my fear kicked in and I shook my head rapidly with my eyes wide.

"Is there a problem with that Kyoko?" Questioned Kurenai Sensei. I nodded fast.

"She saw Gai the day she woke up, he spun her around and said some pretty weird stuff to her." Asuma Sensei Chuckled, while I sent him a glare.

"Oh, well we will keep him away then. But you will be versing Neji Hyuga." I nodded and went to sit under a tree while I waited for my opponent to show. I thought it would only be my opponent, but it turns out the whole of team Gai showed up, only for me to hide behind Kurenai when I saw Gai.

"Hello, Kurenai and Asuma! So who is the youthful person Neji will be versing?" Gai questioned as he struck a pose, only causing me to shake more and grip Kurenai Sensei's dress tighter. Sighing, she picked me up and placed me in front of her, with her hands on my shoulders to stop me from running away.

"Neji Hyuga will be versing Kyoko Hatake." She stated, causing Gai's eyes to sparkle and him to run at me. Kurenai quickly picked me up and jumped back with Asuma and held my shaking form away from Gai, causing him to tear up.

"No touching Kyoko." She reprimanded as she placed me down again. That's when he started to ball.

"But she's so youthful, I must see her!" I cried silent tears and clung to Kurenai's leg in fear. I heard his team whispering behind him about how embarrassing he his, or how youthful I was or how they pitied me.

"Ok, ok, Gai stay away from Kyoko, we need to start the match." stated Asuma Sensei, intervening. Reluctantly, Gai nodded and backed away, allowing me to stop crying and step forward, along with the boy called Neji. By the look of him, I could tell he was a Hyuga, probably related to Hinata.

"Start!" Yelled Kurenai.

The boy activated his Byakugon, while I just stood there. I closed my eyes and opened them, seeing everything sharper and having 360 vision. I hung my head so no one could see my eyes and stood in place. The boy didn't take a second run at me, performing the 16 palms, trying to hit my pressure point, only to be blocked by me everytime. He looked shocked and quickly jumped back, but not quick enough. I flashed forward and hit his pressure points lightly so he couldn't feel it, I jumped back so fast that his eyes couldn't track me. He stood still in the middle of the field frozen for thirty seconds, so I crouched down and prepared to attack again in case, not that I would need to. When my attack had finally caught up with him, it had been a full minute and he crumpled to the ground like a pile of bones. I smiled but kept my head hung as Gai Sensei, Kurenai Sensei and Hinata the other Hyuga girl ran towards him. I could feel someone running at me, so I jumped high and landed behind my attacker, it was a girl.

"What did you do to Neji?!" She yelled in question as she summoned weapons. I just shrugged in response, causing her to fire her weapons at me. I dodged all her weapons, but didn't see someone else joining the fight as I was focused on the girl.

"Leaf Hurricane!" The voice shouted. I was suddenly hit in my stomach and flung towards a tree. I was about to make impact, but someone caught me. I looked at the persons clothes and knew it was Gai. He clutched me to his chest and wept, as I tried to get out of his hold, revealing my glowing bright blue eyes in the process.

"Why were you trying to hurt this youthful girl?!" Gai questioned in outrage, not noticing my eyes yet. "She was simply fight Neji and she won! Is this how you should treat a winner?!" He was balling at this point, but everyone else just sweat dropped. I looked around at everyone, noticing their eyes on mine. Shit. I forgot to deactivate my eyes. Somewhere in the scuffle Kakashi and his team had come to watch, adding to the amount of people who had seen my eyes. I saw everyone's eyes widen as they took in the colour, and Kakashi made a move for his head band which covered his sharigan. If he moved that, he would know where I came from! I didn't want to know where I came from, I was happy living with amnesia! I struggle to get out of Gai's arms, causing him to start sobbing again, but with each sob, his grip got looser, until finally, I broke out of his grip and bolted. I heard people screaming at me to come back, but I didn't stop. I didn't want to know what happened! Tears streamed down my cheeks, as I heard Kakashi, Asuma, Kurenai and Gai, order their teams to find me and knowing my luck, their probably chasing me too! I cursed in my head as I turned towards the village and pushed myself faster.

I sprung out of the tree line and up onto a roof as I kept running. I could hear some foot steps burst out a few seconds later, so I pushed even faster. I knew I had used to much Chakra when I was using my super speed while fighting Neji, this was going to bugger me later. I sped along the rooftops and towards the Hokage tower, when I heard more feet join the chase. I turned while in mid jump to see, Ino, Shikamaru, a mini green jumpsuit guy, Kiba and Akamaru, and Kurenai. My eyes widened in fear when I realised that Ino had her Mind Transfer ready to use on me, so more tears leaked as I turned and dodged to the right.

Once I finally reached the Hokage tower, I noticed the window was open, so I rolled through it, past several ANBU and the Hokage. I shot an apologetic look at him as Ino, Shikamaru and Akamaru jumped though the window towards me and Mini green jumpsuit guy, Akamaru and Kurenai burst though the door. I stood shaking as my chakra drained and collapsed to the floor panting. I downcast my still bright blue eyes and bowed my head.

"What brings you all bursting into my office today?" The Hokage questioned as I crawled away from everyone and hid under his desk.

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