Chapter Four

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Myself and Kakashi rushed towards the academy. Today was the day I would get my team, and I was beyond excited. I jumped along the roof tops beside Kakashi, holding his hand as we both laughed, him loudly and me silently. We jumped down into the empty area below us and walked into the academy still holding hands and towards the room. He hugged me goodbye, then strolled off down the hall with his hands in his pockets and a lazy expression. Lazy bugger.

Silently laughing, I walked into the classroom and towards my seat. Ignoring the stares put my head on my desk and shut my eyes, hoping for quiet but alas, it wasn't meant to be. I heard two girls squabbling at the door, arguing about who gets to sit next to duck butt. I puffed out some air as I lifted my head, glaring in their direction for their loudness. Sadly, this didn't go unnoticed as the blond girl turned towards me with a nasty scowl on her face.

"What are you glaring at, you silent twerp." I just raised my eyebrow at that, while viciously smirking at her, promising the threat of pain if she continued. Her eyes went wide when she saw my smirk and she backed down and turned to the pink haired chick, this time arguing more quietly. I smiled in satisfaction as I laid my head back on my desk and closed my eyes. Of course, just when it was quiet Iruka Sensei had to barge in. I lifted my head with a scowl and looked at him, making it clear that he just interrupted my quiet time. He just started talking anyway.

"Okay I will now be assigning the teams, but one team will have four genin in it, due to our new arrival." Everyone looked at me, while I just shrugged in response.

"Team seven will have, Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno and Sasuke Uchiha." Some groans an yelling was heard, then Iruka continued.

"Team Eight will have, Kiba Inuzuka, Shino Aburume and Hinata Hyuga." Some giggles and more yelling was heard.

"Team Ten will include, Ino Yamanaka, Shikamaru Nara, Choji Akamichi and Kyoko Hatake." The blond started to yell about being on a team with a lazy person and a fat person, but wisely stayed away from insulting me, I guess my message was conveyed after all.

"Now come here after lunch too meet with your Sensei. Dismissed." With that Ino turned to us all and started to talk.

"So do you guys want to have lunch as a team?" I raised my eyebrow. "I mean you dot have to Kyoko if you don't want to, it's totally up to you if you wanna come of not." She stuttered out, but I only nodded to say yes. "Your coming with us?" She questioned in disbelief, to which I nodded again. So after some convincing, we all walked towards a Barbecue shop together, with the other three conversing, while I just occasionally nodded in agreement, not being able to add to the convocation. Once we were seated everyone ordered, while I just got the same as Shikamaru.

"So we saw this dress the other day and it's so-"

"Hey Kyoko, why don't you talk?" Ino was cut off by Choji, who still had his mouth full of food. Shikamaru froze, while Ino's eyes widened and I set down my Chopsticks. I turned to Choji and motioned for some pen and paper. I was soon supplied with it, so I started writing.

"'Choji, I would rather not talk about it, but one day you will find out why.' See, this is why you don't ask people personal stuff Choji!" Ino read it out loud and yelled at Choji towards the end as I shrugged and picked up my chopsticks to continue eating. For the rest of lunch, we all ate in silence, then walked back to the academy.

Once we were in the room, we all sat down together and started conversing again, as though nothing happened. After a few minutes of waiting, Asuma walked in.

"Ino Yamanaka, Shikamaru Nara, Choji Akamiki and Kyoko Hatake. Follow me." We all stood up and followed Asuma out. I was too busy to watch where we walked, but we ended up in a room, all seated.

"I am Asuma, but that's Asuma Sensei to you. So tell me about you all."

"So introduce yourselves." Asuma Urged when no one made a move to talk.

"I'm Shikamaru, and I like Shoji I guess." Said Shikamaru lazily.

"I'm Ino, and I love flowers." Stated Ino with confidence.

"I'm Choji, and I like food." Said Choji, with his face once again stuffed with food.

"And I have already met Kyoko, so that makes everyone." Asuma said, clasping his hand together. "Now tomorrow, you will be versing Team Eight, so be prepared. We all nodded and left. I parted ways with everyone outside of the shop and jumped onto the roof in the direction of home, thinking about tomorrow.

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