Meeting Moonclan

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Enjoy XP

The words in the wind waled cruelly in my ears "when darkness falls over the forest and even the brightness of Stormclan no long illuminates, light will come with Dusk" the words of my ancestors slowly echoed away. Leaving me to wake to the eternal darkness that plagued me, I have to tell Sorrelwhisker he'll know what to do.

Smoke! Fire! The wails of my housefolk fill my ears accompanied by the screech of the monsters. A housefolk opens a window and slowly crawls in whispering "Dusk come here kitty kitty. Dusk where are you?" He continues saying things I don't know I recognize the calm voice but in the terror of the night the smoke burning my eyes and nostrils I panic and dash through the window into the forest. The stories of the vicious wild cats in the woods flitting along the outskirts of my mind. But I can still feel the heat of the fire on my back so I keep running. I run until my lungs burn and then I walk when my legs give out I crawl and when the blackness takes over? The rain and thunder in the distance is the last thing I hear.

The forest it calls to me it looks so dark so foreboding but as I walk farther in it becomes brighter and brighter as if the the sun is rising behind me. I pause listening to the sounds of the forest and hear a crack from behind me, whirling around its gone, again I her it this time closer and to the left. Whatever it is its getting closer and something in my gut is telling me I don't want to meet it. Turning in an attempt to flee I see glowing eyes the odd thing being that it looks as if someone cut a cat in half there look to be two different one eyes cats in front of me one with blue another with amber eyes, as I try to process this they jump and I'm jolted awake to see the tree canopy above me and the sun already up.

Looking around I quickly come to the realization that I'm lost and decide to strike out to the left. As I continue forward remnants of my dream linger in my mind and when I hear a crackling behind me I suddenly remember the tales of the forest cats. Luna swore she ran into one when she was outside once, said they where HUGE but that flea-bitten mouse dropping was always trying to scare me. Still that didn't stop me from running as fast as I could when I head what sounded like paw steps behind me, as I continues running wondering what could become of me I come skidding to a halt and let out a yowl when the ground drops from below my feet into a deep river, looking both ways I head to my right this time.

Trees flash by at break neck pace and I swear I can hear cats meowing to each other in the trees just out of sight. Up ahead I can see a clearing and as it comes into sight I hear the padding of paws fade away and the gurgling of the river become a light trickling sound till it nearly disappeared I find the clearing covered in rocks with four tall rocks in the centre of the clearing looking at them I decide to take a midday nap on the tallest rock.

I wake about an hour or so later to the sound of growling cats looking around me I see six cats surrounding me one stands out more then the others a slender black she cat with blue eyes as she paces at the bottom of the rock I can see a flash of white on her side, puffing up I stare down at the cats surrounding me "What are you doing at Four stones kittypet" A Tom hisses from behind me it's a black Tom with matching eyes pacing by his feet is a younger cat an albino not much older then me he goes to add another jab when he is interrupted by the she cat "Gingerpaw" she mews " I want you to go back and warn the warriors that we have a visitor"

"Yes Starstorm" an enthusiastic she cat bounds back to wherever there from.

"What's your name little one and what are you doing here you have a collar on so you are obviously a kittypet how did you get out here. Come down so we can talk"

" My name is Dusk, I live over that way" I jab my tail in the general direction of my old den as I scrabbled down the rock "as for what I'm doing here my den burnt down last night and I ran away"

"We'll then Dusk I am Starstorm I am leader of Moonclan what have you heard of he four clans in this forest?"

"That your huge vicious creatures but that came from a flea bitten dog so I can't put stock into that, not to mention you all look very nice to me" I needled quietly avoiding the gazes of the two toms who did not look so nice.

"Ah you flatter us now what's this about your den burning down?"

"My den burnt down last night during the storm the thunder was getting really loud when suddenly the ground shook and the smell of smoke filled my nose my housefolk ran to the phone and yelled something into it and monsters with loud noises and flashing lights pulled up outside" I shuddered at the memory" my housefolk had grabbed the dog but I hid under a table, when another housefolk came into the house through the window searching for me, I ran into the woods. When I woke up something was chasing me so I ran here and fell asleep on that rock"

" well that's a busy night for one so young" a gentle pure came from the direction the young she cat had taken off in.

"Sorrelwhisker, Shinespot you didn't have to come we were just about to head back to camp with Dusk" Starstorm looked at the two toms who came " Dusk this is my Deputy and our Medicine cat the two cats dipped there heads in acknowledgement but the more muscled of the two never took his eyes off of me "Do you have any experience hunting Dusk" Starstorm's voice rose in the silence that had occurred. Thinking of all the times I'd rid my den of rodents I nodded my head confirming I did "well in that case would you be interested in helping stock our fresh kill pile we are low on prey and could use an extra paw to feed the clan." I wasn't sure why but I felt like this proposal meant more then it seemed and the look she shared with Shinespot confirmed my thoughts she was planing something and this request was a test.

As we arrived at a small tunnel through a briar bush two cats walked towards us one about as old as me and one full grown, the elder of the two the she cat spoke up "Starstorm we were just heading out on a hunting patrol. Is there anything we should look into while we are out we heard there was an intruder"

"Funny you should ask Wolfheart would you mind taking Dusk here out with you and Oakpaw to help hunt, I'm going to speak with the senior warriors about our intruder." Looking at the two cats before me I could feel the fur on my spine raising ever so slightly at the sight of the mismatched eyes on the young Tom before me they where identical to that of the cat I'd seen in my dream one a clear blue the other a bright amber this cats eyes took in everything about our surroundings including the fur on my back, forcing it to lay flat again I sat down licking my chest and waited for Wolfheart's answer "I would have no problem with that Starstorm a helping paw is always appreciated" turning to me she continued " so Dusk, right we were just headed into the woods to hopefully catch something tasty so long as you stay close by you can come with us." Not waiting for a reply she took off in one graceful bound into the bushes behind us following much more calmly behind her Oakpaw looked over his shoulder at me "I would follow if I were you, you don't want to lose her" turning he continued after the she cat and after a few moments hesitation I followed.

Yay Haha my first part is actually up I've got a load of people I'd like to thank but very few of them frequent Wattpad and the two that do are almost never on :P anyways thanks to any of my friends who might see this story If there are any glaring issues you can see let me know I'll do my best to fix them. Going from laptop to ipod to desktop is not an efficient way of updating. If there are any Warriors from any of the clans you really want to see a picture of DM me I'll get a sim made of them ASAP and post it as media.  

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