Chapter 3 -Stormcloud-

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-No ones POV-

Roman kept trying to talk to Virgil who, every time the prince talked, whistled cutting him off, Roman was starting to get annoyed by this, his temper was short when dealing with the darker plaid side "For Christ's sake emo nightmare! Let me talk!" Virgil in response just rolls his eyes and turns to look at the prince signifying for him to continue, "Thank you—" Virgil smirks and whistles again as he stuffs his hands into his pockets, Roman groans and face palms "You've GOT to be KIDDING me!" Roman says exasperatedly holding his head in his hands, these actions eliciting a small chuckle from the darker side making Roman slightly smile just to frown at his own action."Princey, Princey, Princey... you have got to control your anger issues... jeez..."

Roman just stares at Virgil with a slight glare "What? You know I'm right..." Virgil crosses his arms and stares a Roman with his same look, Roman, of course, took this as an action of mockery and scoffed "Such a stormcloud..." Roman says in a low voice, Virgil, at the mention of the nickname just scoffs "That's the best name you could give me? Jeez it's more a nickname, gotta up your game fancy pants" Roman couldn't help but slightly chuckle at the other, which confused Virgil "What're you laughing at princey?" This just made the creative side start laughing, this making Virgil blush in embarrassment "W-What are you laughing at...!" Roman keeps laughing as if ignoring him, Virgil looks around before looking at Roman again "What are you laughing at!?" Virgil said loudly starting to get anxious, Roman not noticing this just keeps laughing "W-why are you laughing so much...!?" Virgil puts his hood up and seems to shrink, Roman finally stops, his eyes widen seeing the other male, this was new, he was sitting on the floor in a little ball trying not to hyperventilate "H-hey. I'm sorry... I wasn't laughing at you! I-I I swear!" Roman panics slightly, his eyes darting around the room.

Virgil just stays silent as he shuts his eyes tightly, trying not to panic, Roman sighs "I'm gonna regret this... aren't I...?" Roman says more so to himself, he goes to Virgil's side and hesitantly wraps his arms around him, Virgil jumps and tries to push Roman away, to his dismay Roman doesn't budge and instead just holds him tighter "Just accept it stormcloud" Romans eyes widen, why had he said the nickname again? Virgil was shocked at the nickname but just smiled slightly, before he could think, Virgil leaned his head on romans shoulder to then pull away and stand up "Jeez princey... you're getting more annoying..." Virgil grumbles and sighs "Get up... the rest are gonna be here soon..." Virgil sits on Patton's bed then leans back and sighs "This room is making me sick... too many cringy memories..." Virgil drapes an arm on his eyes. Roman gets up with a sigh "You're so depressing..." Roman sits on the bed picking up a picture, it was of the five of them, Virgil on the far left, Patton right after, Thomas in the middle, then Logan, and lastly Roman on the far right, Roman chuckles slightly "this room is nothing but pure and happy memories Virgil... you just can't see it..."

Roman looks at the other who just peaked from under his arm "I can see it thank you very much, I just don't find it the same, some are good, others are just... just screaming out 'Throw me away! Throw me away!', like... why does patton even keep these..." Virgil swings his arm off of his face and just sighs with closed eyes "Well for starters, some may be a little... cringy, but there still memories, it would be too overwhelming with just happy things, gotta cool off somehow am I right?" Roman chuckles slightly looking around the room with a fond expression on his face, Virgil sits up and sighs also looking around the room with a not so noticeable smile on his face "I guess so, Princey" Virgil says the nickname with a sort of tranquility, making Roman smile "See? I told you" Roman laughs slightly, Virgil just nods "mhm..." just then Patton and Logan come in, the bubbly man in tears sobbing and the strict one looking very concerned for him, Virgil and Roman get up quickly and head straight to the others, more specifically, to Patton's side, Logan didn't mind as long as they helped console Patton, Virgil stands beside Patton as Roman rubs Patton's back in circles "Its okay Patton, Logan, tell us what happened please?" Roman says with worry in his voice, Virgil nods quickly hugging Patton tighter, he had subconsciously hugged him which made Patton smile a little.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2020 ⏰

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Sanders Sides FanFic -Virgil Sanders x Roman Sanders- "is this love?"Where stories live. Discover now