Chapter 5: Possibilities

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In the end, it hadn't been a problem. Kitami had taken one look at Maigo's sunken cheeks, thin frame, ragged clothing and had forgiven the man for the theft of the plants.

"It was really no harm done," Kitami said. The five other farmers nodded.

Besides, they were more than willing to take in somebody who could help ease their way of life. If Maigo had the ability to make the arduous trip to the market less than it needed to be, they were happy to do so.

Maigo had been quiet, but he seemed willing to really give it a try. The years of scavenging had taken a toll on his body. He knew deep down that he'd prefer to be comfortable—if these were going to be his last few years.

But, hopefully, not.

The villagers had looked at him suspiciously at first, but had shown understanding when they'd found out the reason why he'd stolen the Setsunasa plants. Kitami had talked to the villagers and had even found someone willing to share their home with him.

It was none other than the brown-haired girl who'd shared her meat buns with the Konoha shinobi. "My mother and I could do with the help around the house," she'd said. "Plus, he shouldn't be alone by himself."

The morning of their departure, the girl had given Lee a quick peck on the cheek. "Thank you for helping us."

Lee had blushed as he bowed politely. "You're very welcome, ma'am. It was our duty as shinobi of Konoha. We're pleased that we were able to aid you and the village."

She'd laughed at his formality. "If you guys come back, there'll be more buns waiting," she said with a wink.

Naruto watched it all with amusement, but he couldn't get Sai to join him in all the fun.

"You're in a relationship with Hinata and you're still this juvenile?" Sai said. "Poor Hinata."

Naruto did a little dance of happiness. "Yeah, but she loves me just as I am."

"Exactly. The poor girl." Sai said.

Naruto closed his eyes. "Hinata, I'm coming home," he thought.

He grinned to himself, remembering the last time he'd been back from a long mission. It was still during the early days of their relationship. He was heading to the Hokage's office for his report, chatting with Sakura and Sai.

"Naruto!" he heard Hinata call out his name and he turned around to see her, walking out of the Hokage tower's door, Kiba and Shino right behind her.

Then she was running—heading straight for him, eyes shining, hair streaming wildly behind her, finally launching herself in his arms. He caught her and hugged her with all the force of his longing, so happy to be back home.

Aware that they were still surrounded by other shinobi in public, he set her down slowly, reluctantly. He didn't want to embarrass her in front of their friends.

As he did so, he thought he felt her lips brush the side of his neck. But no, Hinata wouldn't do something like that. It was just wishful thinking on his part. His ears burned and his face flushed.

He set her at arm's length, smiling, but it slowly faded when he saw the tiny frown on her face looking up at him.

"You-You're not going to kiss me?" she asked in a strangled voice.

He was startled and he looked around at their friends, who were trying to give them space.

"Everyone's still around, so I thought it would make you self-conscious..." he said with an embarrassed laugh, one hand rubbing the back of his head.

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