But mom's phone is Apple....

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Ŕfffftt Heyyy, readers(if there are any....). I accepted a challenge to write stories based on titles chosen or made by other authors, acquaintances of mine. I ve been chosen to have a story, titled "But mom's phone is Apple", so I hope you enjoy....
OK, to say for the least, I was late. College session was about to start in a few minutes while I was still at home. I ran down the stair, tripping gracially on the thick wooden edge of every s while my mum was helping by putting all the needed stuff in my bag.
-Mum! Hurry up!
-Sweetie, please....
Yeah.... still living with mum, as we didnt have enough money to rent an apartment near the college and also it was close at hand so I didnt mind as long as it was convenient.... well, if we dont think about this case of mine.... I grabbed my phone in that rush a run towards the bus.... it was late but at least I was able to go. Then the bus stopped in front of my college. It was prestigious. I pretty much loved hanging ou with my friends- Allla- my girl, Emm- the laughing stalk of the class, who has always been my bestie, Ash- the bad boy and me'- a pretty good person who was told to be a good frien We were the biggest and the longest to last as a frie g. We would go out after recess to have a word with each other in private, our spot we had- a nice villa with exotic dizzy blueishness on the walls and pretty significant form- I liked like a buble. We would all go there to relax. But hey!!!! I m late!
I ran through the corridors hoping for the students no t s me while trying to get to.... Then I saw her, Ella. The worst student of all.... She had ugly pimples... Her hair was messy and her body was... Ronaldo... JK°°° We didnt like her as much as she would always tell us nasty stuff..... I tried passing bu with no expression for her to judge..... She ha confident that c k- but her only.....
Heyyy, Leo.- well, she had noticed me....
Where are you going?
Ummm.... to class? - where else could I have been going?
Well, just for you to know, it's not Halloween, why are you dressed this way?....
Well, sorry, couldn't have know.... I just saw your face and tought.... Hmmm, must be Halloween... and that's how it all happened...
The other students, most of them the ones in detention, started laughing, but I was determined to go to class. By the time I had reached it, it was over..... Alla came out if the room, erotically curving in her habitual way, her hip.... I was looking at her bewitched. She smiled softened her breath Mark's she gave me on my neck with her hot kiss.....
Hey, my boy... she almost whispered
H- hey, A-alla.... I was on love. She grabbed me and said.
Are you ready to party....
She then proceeded to say that Ash was coming when he grabbed her from behind....
Ash... she said... He had been having a crush on her, but everything was settled now.... hmmm....
Yo, Leo! Sup?
His casual smile thickened the arrogant tone in his lips. Oh. That arrogant tone... the bewitching charmingful masculinity....
Yo, Leo! What bout a party tonight!
What? In our place?
But we want noone to know where luxurious villa and personal spot is! I shouted...
But where else shall we have fun?
We may rent a motel or sth....
Oh, come on, Leo, what would go wrong?
Well.... I wanted a party actually so I would have been glad to host it there if it wasn't for...
We went there. I unlocked the door with that passionate patience of Allas and we went insid. Ash had already settled himself and Alla sat on her favourite chair. BTW I REACHED 666 WORDS! OH, WHAT A PITTY! NOW I RUINED THAT PRECIOUS COINCIDENCE..... So now all we had to do was ait..... Eventually all of the guests arrived, some o the having broughtthe beer the must have had stolen..... We all had fun that night. But later....
It was pretty cold outside..... The half awake embrace of the starry fog outside was freezing my breath..... I heared a voice. I turned around in the blues nothingness to see that there was a silhouette violently creeping down my spine shivering through his look.... it was a man or so my imagination thought..... I went ba inside just to catch my breath after the drunken party we had..... Alla was asleep so waa Ash.... fast asleep.... The I heared a loud bang on my door.... It was a man! He seemed tired and had terrible blister all ove so when I asked h he said that he was being chased by maniacman who was blind but could hear perfectly well..... He begged me to let him stay overnight and I agreed...... The a woman knockd on my window impatiently.... she told me the same thin- the man, the blind, whe she saw the man on the couch. She shouted. Why would you.let him in!! She started to run but tge man said Kill her, she trie to do it to me!°°°° OK, Tthat was .... con... I dint know who was the man, but I pulled out my phone. It was dark but I pointed its bro them a asked,.pretty aware of my actions What brand is the phone I m showing. With no hesitation the woman said SAMSUNG!!! I shot the man. Yeah, I had a gun..... then she hugged me and I was about to call the police when I unlocked my phone my to unconciously stare at the unfamiliar bluishness of the background. It was mums phone! Ha, in the rush, I nust have had grabbed hers instead of mine. But mums phone was Apple, not samsung.....

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