The predictio

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I could hear strange noises from the pilots cabin. It was like he was choking. While the plane was flying with a sharp scratching sound tearing the tender skin of the air in a cold peeling manner. We were bout to sleep.... but then I heard that there were some.predictors, the mediums had come here to travel to France, London.... but there was another rumour that one of them predicted natural death and the other one - death, cau by other circumstances such as a tree that may fall on you and kill you on the spot. A girl with big headphones sat next to me. I felt a little uncomfortably staring at her till she spontaneously turned her head in mi direction. We had a small talk when she said. You hear bout the predictors, right? Uh, yeah, I do! Why though? I mean, it's cool but it doesn't seem to make a difference as everyone does anyway. Well, I got another juicy rumour for you. Ine of them falls into trance and writes on a paper what will happen. He doesn't even know that hes doing it! Hes a narrator in the story maybe that's why he cant figure out that hes the one who does so! Well, how do u.... Before I could say anything else, one of the predictors stood up and shouted. We re all gonna die! The people gasped in horror whilst tye other one stood up and said Hello, calm down a little, only one of us is....
Well, I.....
The stuardess that jumped out of the pilots cabin with mascara, sunk in her salty tears shouted in her breath The pilots dead! Well... both of the predictors were right! The one that had sau that we were all gonna die was the one that could predict death, caused by other circumstances and the one that had calmed us down had predicted the death of rye pilot- the natural death. Who cares? It was too late to think now. The pressure was peeling my skin of and while I was indifferently looking at the girls screaming face, I then proceeded to close my eyes.... was... a dream? No wa!!!! Hahahaha.... I started laughing hysterically... there was noone beside me, the faces of the others were just looking T me...  then I saw a little list on me. I too it and the first sentence said. I could hear strange noises from the pilots cabin. It was like he was choking.....

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