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My parents shook me awake to the sound of the car, we were driving. I looked beside me to see my old suitcase. I peeked inside to see my hoodie, snacks, and clothing. And my phone of course.

"Mom?" I said as we approached the airport. "Ah, your awake! Were finally going to the city you always dreamed of, Indiana!" She said. I gasped, then cheered. Going to Indiana was my dream! We hopped out the car and walked inside.

I sat at the waiting chairs as my mom went to go get coffee. It had been a while now, why would we go that early if we flew in the night? "Last flight to Indiana." The speaker said above me as I got up and held my mom's hand to the plane.

I sat down, looking beside me to see my friend, Coco. "Coco!" I said, in surprise. She looked at me. "Hey, were sitting next to each other!" She said. We talked for a while, as my parents watched us talk. "Ladies and gentlemen, we will approach Indiana soon." The speaker said.

I was so anticipated, I couldn't wait to land at Indiana! "So, your going here too for vacay?" I said to Coco. "Of course I am, I would never pass up going here." She replied. I turned pale as I heard a noise outside the plane. It sounded like...sirens? "Do you hear that Coco?" I said to her. "I hear something, but what do you mean Ness-" She stopped as something hit the plane.

I jumped in surprise as I held on to my seat, I looked at my parents in horror. "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, SOMETHING HAS HIT THE PLANE, WE ARE CRASHING." The speaker said. All I can remember and hear was the plane slowly crashing down...

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