Chapter 1 (Part 2)

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I followed her, looking at the burning plane behind me. I wonder if anyone else survived the crash..we went inside the darkened woods.

We walked for what seemed like forever until we saw some people on a path. "Hello?" Coco said to them, they aimed a gun at us. "Were survivors, you can trust us." Coco said. "The girl seems scared, put your weapons down." A red haired girl said.

I came out from behind Coco. "Sorry for scaring you, we thought you were creatures. Come with us." They guided us to the watch tower again. "My name is Candice Wellson. These guys are Jaxx, Jillian, and Clayson." Coco replied to them. "I'm Coco, this is my friend Vanessa." She looked at me as I got nervous, she looked away.

"We came here because we heard a crash, I assume it's from the burning plane." Candice said. Coco nodded. "Yeah, we crashed and she can't look for her parents." She said. Candice went up to me and patted me on the shoulder. "It's okay. We're going to find your parents Vanessa." I looked up at her, smiling a little.

"Now-" Suddenly the tower titled a little. "DUCK!" Candice shouted as me and Coco hid under a table. I looked out the window as a tall figure slowly walked past, it looked to be about 40 feet. It blasted out loud sirens as I covered my mouth in terror. My eyes widened as I grew nervous.

"It's safe to come out now."

Where It All StartedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora