- School's Out -

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(At the end of that same school year...)  

Buffy's POV 

There were only ten minutes. Only ten minutes, then the school year would be over, and summer vacation would start. 

I kept tapping my purple mechanical pencil against the surface of my desk impatiently. Just a week ago, I wasn't affected by the nearness to summer at all, but now... well... now I couldn't keep my mind off of it. I failed this mission I didn't even know I had. Summer vacation was so close... 

"Since it's the last day of the school year, class is dismissed... early," the teacher informed us, her ginger hair tied in a low bun, as usual, and a small smile on her face. "I'll miss you all. I hope you can visit when you're in high school." 

A chorus of "we wills" erupted, and almost all of us dashed out the door as soon as it had opened. Cyrus and I, though, took the extra time to hug the teacher and thank her for teaching us and helping us learn what we learned throughout the year. 

As Cyrus was about to make yet another comment on dinosaurs, I pulled him away by the arm. 

"Have a wonderful Summer, Mrs-" his head bumped into the doorway. 

"Oh, shoot, sorry. You okay, Cyrus?" I asked, then, when he said he was fine, the fleeting feeling of guilt faded in less than five seconds, and I allowed him to regain use of his arm. 

We rushed down all the hallways, yelling and shouting and singing, we were so excited, so happy. 



"Yeet?" I inquired incredulously. 

"Yeah," Cyrus responded, "It's a commonly-used, modern term mainly used by teens." 

"I know what 'yeet' is, Cyrus. I just don't want you using it. It means the Internet may have corrupted your pure, sweet soul." 


Oh my gosh, no. 

There were only three people who would use the word 'skeet' at a time like this: Jonah, TJ, and my boyfriend, Marty. 

Glancing over toward where the sound was coming from, I saw them. 

Yep, they were yelling 'skeet'. What does 'skeet' even mean? 

I waved the three boys over, and all five of us rounded a corner together. As we looked in the other direction, we all noticed Andi running straight ahead, throwing glitter, leaving a long trail of the sparkly stuff behind her and in her hair. 

"Can we help?" I asked. 

"Yeah, sure," she turned in our direction, handed us all small piles of glitter, then went back to running in the direction she was originally running and spreading glitter in. 

Where and how does she have so much glitter? 

We kept sprinting onward, proudly showing off how excited we were that the school year was over and summer had officially begun. 

When we all had whatever stuff we needed and said our goodbyes to the staff, we threw a few more goodbye cards and piles of glitter, and headed out Jefferson Middle School's front doors, still basically screaming in joy. 


Minutes later, we were all piled into a booth with the addition of a table or two and a few chairs, at The Spoon. Bex drove us. She was at a table now, actually, not sitting properly, smiling down at her phone. We peeked over at her phone screen without her noticing, noting that she was texting Bowie, and continued to wait until we could order our food. 

"Hey, can I help you, or do you need any extra time to figure out that you want your usual orders?" 

I looked over to the source of the voice, to see-- 

"Amber!" Andi exclaimed, giving her girlfriend the Ambi equivalent of the "Tyrus heart-eyes" look, because yep, it was Amber. 

"Yeah," I confirmed, "We'll have the usual." 


"Here you go," Amber set down the remaining milkshakes and basket of Baby Taters. 

Cyrus grabbed his chocolate milkshake from the tray, and I smuggled a single tater from the basket. 

"Hey, Ambs, what was so important that you woke me up by squealing this morning?" TJ asked. 

"Oh, yeah, that." said Amber, stealing a tater for herself. "Everybody, my annual Girls-Only Summer Road Trip is coming up. You're all invited...well...the guys aren't, naturally. Any chance any of you can RSVP now?" She glanced hopefully at Bex, clearly hoping she would say Andi could go. 

TJ mouthed an 'oh', then pretended not to listen, because the invitation obviously didn't apply to him. 

"I'll have to check in with my mom first, and I have to make sure Marty's gonna be okay without me for a whole Summer," I looked to Marty. "Will you be okay with this?" 

He nodded, saying, "I'll be fine. I mean, I'll miss you, but I'm not gonna stop you." 

Bex looked up from her phone, having been listening to the announcement, and said, "Andi can go, as long as there's no 'funny business'. Make sure to stock up on food, drinks and snacks." 

"Yes!" Ambi whisper-cheered simultaneously, then began to stare into each others' eyes for the seven hundred-and-fiftieth time this week. 

Only seconds later, somebody slurped up the remains of their milkshake, leaving a loud noise ringing through their straw and our part of the room. 

"Okay, great! Um," Amber refocused on us and the world around her, glancing away from Andi, who happens to be Amber's world. "Iris will also be there, and--" 

"Can Libby come with us?" Andi asked. 

"She's the girl with the reddish hair who communicates in ASL, right?" 


"Yeah, she seemed really nice, so sure." 

"Great! I'll text her about it," Andi smiled. "I love you, Ambs." 

"I love you, too, Bambi." 

"This is great," TJ muttered sarcastically, "Now we have to battle MY SISTER for 'Cutest GHC Couple'. Wonderful." 

Cyrus kissed him on the cheek, and said, "We'll always be the cutest in my eyes." You could tell TJ was melting right then and there. 

"Okay, we get it. You're all so cute." I said. "Now I'd like to be excited and eat Baby Taters in peace." 

A/N: This was longer than I planned for it to be, and I'm not sure what else to say, so have a wonderful morning/day/afternoon/evening/night/existence! 

Love is Love, Friendship is Friendship, and I am Who I am (Irby/Kuffy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora