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Buffy's POV 

"Oh, by the way, I'm going t-- oh, sorry, I gotta go now. Bye, Slaymate!" 

"Okay, first of all, I do not accept 'Slaymate' as a nickname..." 

Marty smirked, "'Kay, sure, got it. No 'Slaymate'." 

"... And second, bye, Mister The Party." 




"Bye," I said one last goodbye to Marty and tapped on the 'end videochat' button, and flopped back on my bed. Then there was a knock on my bedroom door. 

"Come in!" 

My mom opened the door, asking, "Buffy, do you want any snacks?" 

I took a glance at my small pile of Smarties, Cheetos, cookies, and popcorn that I collected from raiding our kitchen a few minutes ago, then replied, "No, I already have some here." 

"Okay," she said, then turned to leave, but then I remembered something. 

"Hey, Mom?" 

She turned back, "Yeah?" 

"So," I started, "Andi's girlfriend, Amber, is doing this Summer road trip thing, and--" 

"You're wondering if you can go?" my mom finished, turning the statement into a question as she sat on the edge of my bed. 


"Who'll be there?" 

"Uh..." scouring my brain for the list of people going, I named each person as soon as I thought of them. "Andi, obviously, and Amber... Libby... Amber's friend slash Cyrus' ex-girlfriend Iris... and me, if you let me go." 

"They're all nice, right?" 

"Uh, yeah. Yes. Amber was the only one of them who needed a redemption arc, and that already happened. So, yeah. They're all nice."

"Then I see no reason why you can't go." 

"Really?" I checked. 

She nodded.  

"Thanks, Mom," I said as I hugged her. 

After hugging back, my mom stood back up to leave. 

"Love you, " I said. 

"Love you, too, Buffy," she smiled, closing the door in front of her (she was backing away from the door when she closed it). 


Kira's POV 

"Okay, so how about this one?" Walker inquired, glancing back and forth between me and the picture on their computer screen. 

"Well, I don't know!" I whisper-yelled, almost exhausted by the task at hand. "Can we take a break and try this again tomorrow or something?" 

My cousin shrugged. "You were the one who suggested doing this for at least two hours, but sure, no problem." 

"What did you do until you knew?" 

"I tried not to rush. When I knew, I knew. It was just... right for me. But I didn't know which one right away. It takes time, Kira." 

"Okay, thanks, I really appreciate your words of wisdom, but ugh!" 

"It's stressful sometimes, isn't it?" 

Love is Love, Friendship is Friendship, and I am Who I am (Irby/Kuffy)Where stories live. Discover now