Chapter 1: The Reincarnation

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Alex is an introvert and a avid gamer, he spends most of his time either playing games or watching anime or TV shows. Some of his favorites being Naruto, DBZ, several Isekai anime and TV shows such as Big Bang Theory or Brooklyn Nine Nine. Alex is an 18 year old college student who lives in the UK and is about to finish his course.

Alex is sat in his desk chair in a dark bedroom, the light coming from the bright screen of Alex's monitor, he is sat in his desk chair playing a modded Skyrim play through and is currently fighting a modded boss in a dungeon apart of a modded story.


A loud ringing sound ringed in Alex's ear as he was drinking causing him to throw his water at his computer in shock which caused his computer to short circuit and electrocute him which his body couldn't leading to his death.


[Host, wake up!]

Kuruma Sato was apart of the Sato royal family, he was supposed to be the next king of the Parcia Kingdom however Kuruma was never physically or magically gifted but he was always a ladies man instead although he attracted a lot of attention from women he was never planning to use his natural charisma to his advantage.

Kuruma was chased out of the Kingdom by his jealous brother, the Princess and heir to the second strongest Kingdom, Kiva was interested in Kuruma and ended up developing feelings for Kuruma and this caused his brother to grow jealous of Kuruma since he liked the Princess so his brother made Kuruma's life hell by making his friends hate him by threatening and much more. Kuruma was forced to leave the Capital, his brother didn't stop there and sent assassins to kill Kuruma.

Alex blinked and blinked until his eyes adapted to the to the bright sunlight that shone in his eyes, birds could be heard chirping, trees rustled in the wind, the sky was clear and blue with a few clouds scattered in the sky.

[Host I am the system and I can give you one thing to start your new life with considering the horrible life of the person that had this body before you]

Alex blinked in surprise since he heard no presence before. Alex sat up and looked around to see a long stream that ran down passed the small clearing that Alex sits in, tall trees surround him and the stream, the shadows making it almost impossible to see into the forest, small rays of sunlight pierced parts of the canopy of trees. "Who said that?" Alex stood up and shot his head around, looking for the voice in a small panic.

[I did Host, please calm down]

'Wait Host? That's like those system fanfics and stories i have read' Alex rubbed his head and felt his hair, it was a lot smoother and a bit longer than before he died, he looked at his body and hands. His hands were muddy with what looked like dried blood all over them mixed in with the mud, he was wearing some simple cloth brown pants with a simple cloth brown shirt that had a hole in it around his chest area with dried blood all around the hole in the shirt. "I guess i died and reincarnated".

[Yes that is correct Host, I am a system and you have been reincarnated from being Alex Arano to a noble that was forced to run away from his home in the capital by his own brother called Kuruma Sato]

"Huh, I never once thought this would happen to me and this is kinda crazy yet i am unbelievably calm, is that Gamer's Mind skill i see a lot i those stories" Kuruma chuckled until a splitting headache hit him as the memories of Kuruma entered his mind from his birth to his death, for a few minutes he was forced to be bent over with his head against the ground as he knelt, holding his head as the pain slowly dissipated. Kuruma sat back on his bum and laid down rubbing his temples as he skimmed though the life of Kuruma Sato "damn this guy was really hated by men, to be fair i would've hate him too, he is so dense he doesn't realize that a lot of girls constantly stare at him and talk about him, i really don't understand how he didn't notice"

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