Sokeefe: The Trippin' Fashion Show

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A/n: Sophie and gang are now in the Elite levels and the Neverseen have been defeated. The Council decided it would be a good idea to hold a fashion show to prove that everything would be alright.

*Sophie's POV*

It was the night of the fashion show. Biana had come over to do my hair and make-up. My make-up was simple, dark red eye shadow dusted my eye lids with silver eyeliner flicking off the sides of my eyes. A light pink gloss coated my lips. Biana then curled my hair and put it into a half ponytail.

*pretend the bow matches her dress*

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*pretend the bow matches her dress*

Biana then did her own elaborate makeup. Purple eyeshadow with teal eyeliner made her eyes pop. Dark red lipstick made her lips look lovely. Then, pulling her hair into a bun, she stuck a beautiful pin to keep it together.

Finally, we were able to put on our dresses. For some strange reason I was actually excited.

 For some strange reason I was actually excited

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*Biana's dress*

*Sophie's dress*

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*Sophie's dress*

"Alright, we have some time to kill. Do you want to take a walk? You look like you're going to faint." Biana stated concerned.
I agreed; we went out to Calla's tree finding Silveny and Greyfell grazing. Luna and Wynn were frolicking around and chasing butterflies. It calmed me down but I was still worried about how I was going to break the news to Fitz.
I plucked out an eyelash, which I haven't done in months, I knew Biana was probably starting to really worry about me. We sat in silence for a few more minutes before I broke down and confessed.
"You're thinking about doing what?!?!?" Angrily screamed the one voice I didn't want to hear in that moment. I turned around and saw Fitz. His face was bright red and I swear I saw steam coming out of his ears, he looked like he was going to explode. I sprinted towards my house when I notice someone light leaping to Havenfield. Turning to see who it is and being the clumsy person I am, I tripped over a tree root. I braced for impact, however, I never came in contact with the ground as I was stopped by strong arms. Keefe. It was like all of time had frozen as I stared into his ice blue eyes.
"Foster, you can let go now." He chuckled. Embarrassed, I stepped away blushing fiercely. Keefe helped me into the house. I locked the door behind us. I was afraid Fitz would come barging in at any moment. I sat on my bed weeping. I felt the bed dip beside me and looked over to see Keefe with a worried expression. "Foster, your emotions are going haywire. What's wrong?"
I started explaining everything that had happened. After, I burst into another set of tears ruining my perfect makeup.
"Woah!!! Back the t-rex up! You don't like Fitz anymore?!?!" Keefe gasped in surprise.
"I'm not sure I ever really did." Sophie stated bashfully looking away. "I feel like it was more of a 'puppy love' thing. He was the first person to ever really notice me for my good qualities, but now that we are older I feel different. I feel like he only cares about my powers and what I can do for him, not for us. I can't believe he was using me for so long. I was so blind to many different things." She told Keefe, glancing up at him to find him intensely staring at her. Sophie then looked at the time and freaked out. She had to be at the show in 20 minutes and her makeup was a mess.

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