Dexiana: Forever Together

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A/n: Hi! This one shot was requested by @LunaRaven26. They were our very first requester (idk if that is a word😅) This takes place in Mysterium. The gang is 18-20 years old.

*Biana's POV*
Fitz was a traitor. He was part of the Neverseen. Those still too raw words kept my brain on repeat. I knew that if I thought about it anymore then unshed tears would flow over my eyelids. Worst of all my cousin Larry had voted against us and gotten us demoted. We were now considered working-class. I sighed as I packed up another ribbon for a costumer. We had reopened Cyrah's ribbon shop with the consent of Prentice and Wylie. As I bent down to stare at a sparkly pink one, I heard someone approach.
"I'll be with you in just a moment." I said in a fake cheery voice.
"Just because you work in Mysterium doesn't mean you have to be all businessy," chuckled a familiar voice.
"Dex!" I said astonished. "What are you doing here?"
"Slurps and Burps is right over there." The strawberry blonde boy said pointing at a familiar colorful building.
After some friendly chatter he told me he would like to purchase a sparkly pinkish purple bow, which I had been looking at earlier.

I gave it to him asking why he needed a bow

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I gave it to him asking why he needed a bow. When he told me he was giving it to the girl he loved my heart broke in half. As soon as he left I ran to the back of the shop crying. A little while later Linh came bouncing into the shop, however, she stopped when she saw my tears.
"What's wrong?" She asked, concern written all over her face. I started to speak but instead broke down into a fresh round of sobs. Sophie walked in.
"This is about Dex, isn't it?" She asked with a knowing smirk on her face. "Yeah," I replied sniffling, tears running down my cheeks. "How did you know?"
"I may or may not have read your mind. Hashtag sorry not sorry." Sophie said a little wide-eyed.
Linh and I shared a look. "Sophie," I started. "How much sleep have you gotten recently?" She replied blushing "I dont know. Maybe.... 2-3 hours every other night. Also, Keefe and I are dating."
"SOPHIE!!" I screamed as she ran away from me, grabbing an ice blue bow, "You're gonna pay for that!"
A few minutes later I got a text from Sophie. It was a screenshot of a text between her and Dex.

Linh squealed in delight when she saw the screenshot

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Linh squealed in delight when she saw the screenshot. I can't believe it! Dex likes me!!!! I was so overcome with excitement that all rational thinking left my head. I ran to Slurps and Burps and kissed him smack dab on the lips. All the costumers looked at us with Kesler laughing. Blushing furiously, I hid behind my hair. Dex pulled me into another room.
"Sophie told you, didn't she?" He asked with a smug smile on his face. I remembered how Sophie had been acting strangely and pulled out my imparter to call Elwin. After the call ended, I told Dex about Sophie's strange behavior. He shrugged his shoulders telling me that she was probably sleep deprived. At that moment Sophie walked in and said to both of us, "You're wedding was great!" Dex dialed Elwin on his imparter. "Elwin, get over here! Something is wrong with Sophie!" A few minutes later, Elwin showed up. After flashing light around Sophie, he declared that she was in fact, not sleep deprived, but unlocking a new ability. "Another one?!" I exclaimed with disbelief. "Well not exactly," Elwin began. "It is more like an upgrade to her previous teleporting ability. She can now travel through time." Elwin told us in disbelief. I turned to look at Sophie, when she vanished. "Well I guess she just time travelled." Dex said with a shrug. "Guess we better get used to it."

-timeskip 5 years-

"And do you, Biana Vacker, take Dex Dizznee to be you're lawfully wedded husband?" asked Bronte, who was the priest. "I do." I said repeating the oath that Dex had said previously. "You may now kiss the bride." As we kissed I heard gagging noises come from the audience. I'm pretty sure it is Keefe. My suspicions were confirmed when I heard Sophie scold him. Pulling away, Dex told me that he hopes we are as happy as they are when we have been married for three years. "And have such a sweet child." I chimed in smiling at one year old Lola, who was tugging on Keefe's sleeve begging to be picked up for he was her father. Later during the reception I passed Sophie talking to Linh. "Just as I remember." I heard her say.

A/n: Hope you guys liked this chapter! We really enjoyed writing it, as we do with all the chapters. Remember, if you have any requests put them in the comments and we will get to them as soon as possible! Have a good rest of your day/night!

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