The Fork strikes again!

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They were all eating lunch when Forkle disguised as Leto burst into the lunch room. He transmitted "come to my office now!" Then said aloud "Keefe! This prank went too far! Sophie, Fitz, come with me to clean up!" The students nodded. This was pretty usual. Sophie sprinted and Keefe followed right behind. Fitz was slightly jogging, still processing what had just happened. The rest of the crew was suspicious but kept in eating. Well not Biana. She vanished and crept after them. She got through the door just before Forkle closed it. Man she felt like Harry Potter! Sophie had shown her the third book's movie because it was one of her favourites. Also because Biana had refused to watch the 2 one. The elves were way to unrealistic. She had to laugh every time Dobby appeared then wrinkle her nose. Anyway how did she get that off topic? Oh whatever. On with the story! Sophie sat at one of the chairs beside the desk. Keefe went in the middle chair and Fitz went beside Keefe. Forkle was pacing back and forth. Sophie tugged our and eyelash and said " Can you just tell us what's wrong?" Forkle looked at Sophie in the eye. Sophie tugged our another eyelash and Keefe took her hand and sent calm blue breezes. Sophie sent Keefe a grateful smile and Keefe smiled back. Sophie's heart fluttered. Stop that! She internally scolded herself. Your dating Fitz! Meanwhile, Fitz jealously looked at their intertwined hands. "The neverseen will try to kidnap you tonight Sophie." Forkle said. Sophie trembled a bit. She knew that the neverseen were ruthless and would probably succeed in what ever they wanted to do. After all, they were great manipulators. Keefe and Fitz scanned the room like mini Sandors. Sophie rolled her eyes. Great. Forkle cleared his throat. "Well I would like it if erm, you Keefe and Fitz stayed at a black swan safe house. "Why is three?" Keefe asked. "Well the neverseen will probably go after you or Sophie, or both. Fitz will guard you two. Plus Sophie and Fitz are congrats." Forkle explained. Sophie nodded. That made sense. But one thing didn't really add up. "Why would the neverseen do it tonight?" Keefe asked as if reading her mind. Forkle shrugged. "I don't know." The three children exchanged glances as they walked out of the office. Weird.

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