Chapter 42

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Riley's POV:

We found an old abandoned church to stay in. There was a small forest nearby and some shops across the street. No one knew we were runaways in this small city... Not yet.

"Maya, it's been 3 days since we've actually eaten. Don't you think we should eat?" I ask as she tried cleaning the church up a bit.

"Yeah, we'll see what's across the street as soon as I fix this place up, ok?"

"Ok." I smile.
Maya's POV:

We walk down the street, looking for a restaurant or bakery. There was nothing but a coffee shop. Good enough.

I order a grilled cheese sandwich and Riley orders a ham and cheese sandwich. As we waited for our order, we sat at a table and put the bag next to us.

After 10 minutes, our order was ready and we went to go pick it up, leaving the bag behind. A lady happily sets the food on the counter and tells us the total. I then tell Riley to get the money from the bag. She ran, and then ran back quickly, panting.

"It's not there!" She wheezes.

"What?" I ask, shocked.

"The bag's not there!"

"Do you have any money on you?"

"No!" She yells in a fearful tone. We both run out of the coffee shop, leaving the lady and the food. I look around the parking lot and see some guy with our bag.

"Hey you!" I yell out to him. I stomp myself to him. "That's my bag!"

"Now that's too bad isn't it?" The guy says, avoiding eye contact.

"Give it back!" I yell again.

He suddenly points a gun towards my forehead. "Scram or I'll kill you."

I back away slowly and watch as he ran off with the bag. Riley starts crying.

"What are we going to do?!" She wailed.
Topanga's POV:

Auggie sobbing was now a regular thing. If anyone mentioned Riley, or even Maya, he would be the first to break down. This always broke my heart. It was already enough seeing myself cry every time I thought about it. It was also enough finding Cory gone all day searching for them.

Whenever Auggie was sleeping, and Cory was gone searching, I'd usually sit at home, depressed as ever and crying. Or I'd be looking through Riley's room, crying. Either way I was always crying. I'm surprised how I still have any tears left.

As I sat home alone, taking a day off work, the phone suddenly rang. I pick up quickly.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Hello, is this Topanga or Cory Matthews?" A deep voice asks.

"Yes, this is Topanga."

"This is officer Matt. I'm here to talk to you about the case of Riley Matthews and Maya Hart."

"What is it?"

"A few of my boys have seen them a couple of days ago."

"Really? Where? Are they ok?" I light up.

"They're fine ma'm. We didn't get to see a whole lot of them, but boy they were running like the wind! Anyway, we saw them in Rock-land, NY. I don't believe they're in Rock-land anymore, but I just called to tell you that they're fine."

"Thank you so much officer, I'm glad to know they're ok." I sigh.

"Ok, I'll just leave you alone for now. Bye."


He hangs up. I lean against the wall and sigh with relief. I'm so glad they're fine.

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