Chapter Three- Calum The Angelic Genius!

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" Luke kissed me and walked out... Leaving me standing there naked.... In the boys bathroom... Alone.... I can't believe I just lost my viginty to that douche.... "
Livi's P.O.V
I can't believe this.. What did I just do? This is not like me at all,I don't go around having sex...I'm no whore... Am I?" I said to my self in the mirror of the boys bathroom. I turned to walk out only to get hit in the face with the door.. Oh no.. This can't be happening I will be the laughing stock of the whole school if I thought what they were saying now was bad I can't imagine what it's going to be like if they find out about this!
"Oh look what we have here.. The angel becoming a devil" Someone said as they picked me up off the floor I look up at the person only to come in contact with the one and only Calum Hood the second scariest guy in this school... The first being Michael Clifford of course.. (Shocking because I stood up to him yesterday lolz)
"What is a good little angel like you doing in the BOYS bathroom?" Calum questioned "We're you doing naughty things?" Calum spoke with a huge smirk on his face whilst inching closer to mine. I'm not gonna lie.. He's very very very attractive...yet he's scares the crap out of me! His dark chocolate brown eyes staring into my soul as I was about to speak..
"I uh I-I um.." I stuttered as I began to cry this whole situation is all wrong this wasn't supposed to happen.. Everything from the fight,to the teasing, to the changing me, to having sex with Luke... This isn't me and it just is now hitting me "I am a complete idiot.."I said as I slid down the wall to the floor whilst burying my face in my hands.
"Woah,woah, woah Princess what's wrong?" Calum said locking the door and rushing over to me
I continued to cry when I suddenly felt arms around me...Calums arms to be exact he picked me up and put me in his lap.
"Sh Princess please don't's ok I promise your safe." He soothed into my ear "Look at me for a sec." He said so I obliged and looked at him with tears all on my face. He lifted his hand up and whipped the tears remaining on my face. I've never seen Calum like this.. So sweet,caring..gentle.. He comes off as the jerkiest douche ever only to be basically a teddy bear at heart.. Aw!
"Why don't we get you out of here.. Somewhere more comfortable so we could talk about this?" Calum said sweetly pushing a piece of hair behind my ear making me blush. I just nodded in response moving off of Calum's lap so he could stand up.
"Come on babygirl," he said getting off the ground reaching for my hand to help me up. Instantly taking it only to feel the unbearable amounts of pain in my head.
" Ow!" I whined in pain making Calum look at me concerned
"Oh Princess come here," he spoke walking over to me picking me up off the ground(obviously thinking it's because I just had sex! Aha let's let him think that because I'm too lazy to walk anyway) I laced my arms around his neck giving him a quick peck on the cheek.
"Thank you Calum..Seriously..," I spoke
"It's no problem babygirl now let's get out of here before the bell or this won't look good." He laughed
" oh yeah let's hehe," I giggled unlocking the and opening it so Calum could walk us out.
Calum began walking us down the hall
"Are you sure I'm not to heavy I-I could walk on my own," I spoke worriedly
"Of course not princess you're lighter than a feather." Calum laughed
"Ok what is with the nicknames?," I questioned
"Nothing they you," he said
"Oh.. Ok!," I smiled
Calum just continued to walk not stoping or caring if we'd get in trouble for ditching I mean I was supposed to be in the deans office, but I let my guard down for the person I love just because I wanted him to love me back and it got way out of hand. Anywho we're walking towards a black escalade.. Which I'm guessing is Calum's
"Princess would you mind opening the door for me?"Calum asked
"Oh y-yeah of course"I answered quite shocked..I guess I was off in my own little world oopies! Now in the car Calum runs to the other side getting in and starting it up. I looked at him and giggled
"What?" He smiled
"Nothing.." I continued to giggle
"Seriously tell me.." He said in a serious tone
"Oh alright you know how you carried me all the way from the bathroom to the car because I was in "pain"," I said using air quotes
"Yeah...." He dragged on
"Well you see....I really wasn't in pain. I just didn't feel like walking." I laughed
"Oh you brat!" He laughed pushing me a little before backing out and beginning our journey to God knows where!
(At Calums house)
We pulled up to a very nice looking apartment building where I'm guessing Calum lives. The drive wasn't too bad it was about 30 minutes long, but I'm glad to get out and stretch my legs... Not going to lie I am kinda sore. Once inside the main entrance we walked to the elevator only to see its out of order... Dear god pray that I can walk up these stairs without my legs giving out.
"How many flights of stairs are there?" I asked
"Only 2." He responded
Ok thank you Jesus I can make it. Finally up the stairs we make our way over to apartment 13B
"Is anyone home?" I asked
"No I live alone, so if there is we're fucked!" He laughed
We walked into the apartment and I must say it is decent for a teenage boy. Calum walked over to the couch. He looked and me a patted the seat next to him so I walked over and sat down.
"Now tell me why you were in the boys bathroom and I don't wan the obvious "I had sex" bullshit I want the full story" he stated
"It actually quite a long story.." I said
"Well babygirl.." He put his arm around me "I got plenty of time.."
"I don't know if I can trust you. Promise you won't tell a soul what I'm about to tell you," I said sternly
"Promise." He said raising his arms up in defense
"Pinkie promise," I said sticking my pinkie out
"Really Olivia" he looked at me with a weird expression
"Yes! And it's Livi now Pinkie promise!" I said very seriously and very impatient
"Ok ok whatever , pinkie promise," he lace his large pinkie around my smaller one hehe
"Ok so.... I got in trouble with Ms. Blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah blah blah so she sent to he deans office Blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah blah blahBlah blah blah blah blah the Luke pushed against the locker Blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah blah blah started to make out Blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah blah blah lead me to the bathroom Blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah blah blah we had sex Blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah blah blah then he walked out," I told him truthfully
"Wow ok you and Luke?!" He started
"Mhm.." I muffled
"Then he just... nothing had happened!?" I said shocked
"Yup that's what I just told you" I giggled
"I know, but wow I didn't know he was this much of a dick to take a sweet,beautiful girls innocence and then just walk out like nothing happened... It's just not ok!," he shouted whilst getting up pacing around the room
" Calum calm down please" I begged getting up and walking over to him I touched his shoulder
"Don't be upset I let him do it...I-im the idiot here," I said trying to calm him down he turned around and hugged me tight.
"Don't ever say you're not an idiot! He's the idiot here.. Please don't beat yourself up about it," he told me
"I won't I promise," I just continued to hug back there was silence until...
"Date me!" Calum spoke
"W-what?!" I questioned shocked
"You love him right?" He asked
"Yeah why?" I said blankly
"Then lets pretend to be a couple to make him jealous and to get this crazy girl off my back what do you say? Date me!" He spoke once again
"I-I .........
Wait what! Calum maybe a genius what do you guys think!?
Do you ship #Like or # Clivia tell me in the comments! Don't forget to vote too!
Also sorry for the slow update I will try to update more often 😊
Ily all sosos much
~Sky ✌️

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