(5) I'd Like to Think that I Could Get an Imaginary Girlfriend

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"Yes, she took me in early so there's no reason for you to come over," Court spoke into the cell phone while standing in the small garden belonging to the hospital. "That's right. Just migraines and she gave me a new medication for it. She said it would be more beneficial than the Percocet." Listening to the reply she laughed.  

"Actually I can't make out what the prescription says. You know doctors and their handwriting! Vicki told me what it was, but I've forgotten that quickly. Must be because of my old age." Court leaned against a tree. "Aw, thanks for saying that. How about I meet you for brunch? My treat. Great. Hey, before I hang up how did your first classes go?"

She smiled, detecting the other woman's enthusiasm. "That's great, baby. I told you they'd like you." Court glanced at her watch. "Well, I should get going. I want to get this prescription filled and then we can meet...well where would you like to eat? Okay, that's perfect. See you at say 11:30? Awesome. Bye for now."

Ending the call, Court put the phone in her pocket. She felt guilty about lying to Erin, but told herself that it was for the best. Her appointment with Vicki hadn't happened yet. She just didn't want Erin to be there and risk her finding out things that Court rather she weren't privy to.

Within ten minutes, she was seated on an examination table covered with thin white paper that crinkled every time she moved. Walking into the room, Vicki greeted her as she pushed a wheeled stool toward the table and straddled it.

"So, how are you this morning?" she asked, looking up from the short stool.

"Pretty good and yourself, Dr. Lange?" Court grinned as the other woman playfully rolled her eyes.

"Good and you don't have to call me that unless you want to."

"I like it."

"Then by all means do what you like." Vicki winked at her. "Okay, so tell me about these migraines. How long have you been having them?"

"Um, if Erin calls you could you tell her that I had my appointment before ten? I talked with her not too long ago and informed her that you took me in early."

Unsurprisingly, the doctor appeared puzzled. "And why did you do that?"

"So she wouldn't come here. I don't want her to be here and learn what I'm about to reveal to you."

Vicki studied her quietly for a moment. "We're talking about more than migraines aren't we?"


"Come on lady, we're almost there. You're doing good," Erin stated in an encouraging tone of voice as her feet pounded on the pavement. They were on their way to Tacky Taco after having received an invitation from Vicki last night to meet there. Though they had driven most of the way, Erin parked about a mile from the restaurant so that they could jog the rest of the way. Court had tried to use the excuse that they would get sweaty but Erin would have none of it. It was Thursday, one of two days that she taught a class during the afternoon, so one would think her hour long 4 o'clock kickboxing class would have worn her out, but the brunette seemingly had an endless supply of energy. Sometime this week it had occurred to Court that her wife was the human equivalent of the Energizer Bunny on a permanent caffeine IV drip. She just kept going and going no matter what.

Trying to rhythmically breathe like Erin had taught her to, Court kept up with her, though her legs weren't as long. "Can we...we walk the rest of the way?"

"No, but we can walk on the journey back to the car. We're so close now, I can practically smell the enchiladas! You can do it." She grinned. "Work it out!"

Court smirked. "Oh, sure. You didn't...pick my...name, but you use it...now?"

"Yup. And I might use it again in class."

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