(6) No Part of My Body is Off Limits to You

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Ten minutes to six, Erin was driving home after Toni dropped her off at Sweat Factory so that she could pick up her car. All in all, they shared a pleasurable day together, regardless of Toni suggesting that they get manicures and pedicures at a nail shop across the street from the movie theater where they had just watched Under the Tuscan Sun, a film Erin had enjoyed more than she thought she might. However, she wasn't keen on the idea of getting a pedicure (the manicure wasn't so dreadful). It wasn't that she was ashamed of her feet; she just didn't relish the idea of a stranger messing with them. Though if she were completely honest with herself, the brief foot massage had been nice.

She couldn't wait to get home. Maybe they could get a pizza and order a movie or two on the pay-per-view channels. Erin's lips curved in a bittersweet smile. She was quite aware that today was their one-month anniversary, yet they wouldn't be celebrating because one wouldn't celebrate a marriage they planned on terminating in five more months, right? She had thought about and truly wanted to buy Court a present, but then thought better of it. Contemplating her divorce was depressing, so Erin tried to push those thoughts from her mind and focus on something else. She thought about the pizza and how she had discovered during their first week of marriage that both she and Court liked pepperoni and mushrooms.

We like the same pizza toppings, so that must mean we were made for each other.


Sliding her key into the necessary slots, Erin opened the door and walked inside her apartment. She paused the moment her recently pampered feet crossed the threshold, and gazed around the living room in astonishment. The scent of strawberries wafted to her nose as she took in the red candles surrounding the room. The apartment was comfortably warm, so Erin thought she should close the door before the heat could have a chance to escape. After doing so, she turned around to notice Court watching her with a soft smile from across the room. Erin automatically smiled back while observing the other woman's outfit. Her feet bare of shoes and socks, Court was dressed in a pair of black snug fitting drawstring shorts and a sleeveless red shirt. Though her outfit was simple, Erin believed that she looked positively sexy. It was on the tip of her tongue to say so, but she kept her thoughts to herself.

I'm falling so very hard for my wife, she inwardly admitted. Ordinarily, that would be good a thing.

"Hey, Court," Erin's voice was soft and filled with wonder. "What are the candles about?" She then heard the music--soft jazz. Hmm, this seemed like a recipe for romance, but why would Court do it? For a second, Erin irrationally thought that her wife had been expecting someone else.

Keeping silent, the small redhead strolled over to her. Only then did Erin notice that she was holding her right arm behind her back as though she held something that she didn't wish her to see. Wearing that same smile, Court presented her with one long stemmed red rose and kissed her cheek.

"I know we have an unconventional marriage, but I figured we could still celebrate our one-month anniversary. Plus, this could be a celebration in honor of you completing your first week at your new career." Court smiled wider. "So congratulations, baby. I'm proud of you."

Aw, damn that was sweet. Blinking back tears, Erin returned the cheek kiss. Swallowing around the sudden lump in her throat, she replied, "Thank you, Court. I couldn't have done it without you. Without your faith in me."

Court tenderly brushed her spouse's cheek with the palm of her hand. "Are you ready to begin the evening?"

Thoughts of a certain dog and this dog's owner entered Erin's mind. It occurred to her that Homer might have been fictionalized, which was good considering his tragic end. "Did Toni help you by keeping me occupied the entire day?"

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