Geetha X Little Sister!Suicidal!Reader

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*Ooooook...before you can start reading you need a female character and I also need to give you a warning
Self harm
You were walking in the academy with your hoodie on.your pillar is inviso so your wearing a white and gray hoodie with a skirt and leggings and boots
You walk past your friends.moon looked at you confused so she decides to ask you what's wrong"hey (y/n)"moon called to you"yeah?"you looked at her confused"are you ok?"she asked you worriedly" yeah I'm fine!"you gave her your fake smile
She knows you so well she also know you were lieing to her but she let's you slip pass her
Time skip
The mentors told you to meet with them in the tekno lab for some reason so you went there to meet them
They ask you questions like why are your head in the clouds?what's the matter? But you were feeling a bit to dizzy that you were loosing to many blood so you did not pay any attention to what they were asking you...that it took them a while to noticed"(y/n)?"you heard agent karya and agent bakar asked before you even realised it you passed out but you still heard their voices in a faint woke up on the bed in the one room you called a clinic or...medbay...
The mentors were shocked including agent leon they were staring at the cuts on your arms you quickly cover it with your sleeves and ran hear them calling and chasing after you until you see a closet you quickly but quietly hide behind it"find her!"agent leon order every one.
To be continued....

ejen ali (mentors x reader) One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now