Chapter 4 Preparing for the Great Renmant Civil War

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3rd Pov

Somewhere in the fortress Y/n gathered many rebels of Vale, Vacuo and a mistrial even Cinder who made Adam join for a Alliance.

Y/n: " As you know we need unite our forces if we could defeat the kingdoms of Renmant even Atlas."

General of Mistral: " Yes the council needs to change. If we don't kill all Grimm then we should join them."

General of Vale: " It's just hard to see that Ironwood is not going to join us."

General of Vacuo: " I don't care about him. He's weak and dumb."

Y/n: " Yes Ironwood will be our problem but we need to proceed with the plan. Thanks to Watts he had hacked into Altas's network and sent all the robots for Order 66."

Cinder: " What is order 66?"

Y/n: " Mean all of my machines are mine and they will be back stabbed but I need someone who could be useful."

Cinder: " Who would that be?"

Y/n: " You see. For now I wanted my battle droids to construct faster and better. Make sure they obey better. We need more power if we could defend this."

Y/n gets up while he then goes to his own temple outside. As he got outside was the land of Grimm. Y/n walks though while some Grimm looks at him some did bow to him while some leave him alone. Y/n then enters his own temple and mediate in there. For weeks he made plans for a war on both sides. Y/n wanted to play both sides while taking Atlas as the key to victory and take over Renmant faster. He then wanted to make a new war so everyone will support him and hopefully see him as a general.

Mouths later

The Vytal Festival began while Ian was with Ironwood watching them. He watches as team RWBY fights team ABRN.

After team RWBY won Ian decided to walk until Ironwood talks to him.

Ironwood: " I need to speak to you."

Ian: " Sure why not."

Ian and Ironwood walked until they where somewhere private.

Ironwood: " About some months ago Fort Balkoner has many clones due from your experiment. Tell me why."

Ian: " Well we don't have a bigger army and since I heard there are many Grima, WhiteFang, and even rebels that are building huge armies. What I wanted to say is that you will thank me if there's a Great War.

Ironwood: " There will be. Later on I will arrest you and tell everyone about this."

Ian: " Yes and I win then You'll not be headmaster while I will be. No General of the army will not have headmaster."

Ironwood: " Good luck. When we come back the council will hear about this illegal experiment of yours."

Ironwood left while Ruby looks at Ironwood who didn't care.

Ruby: " Uhh Ian why is Ironwood looked mad?"

Ian: " Come Ruby I wanted to speak with you."

Ruby walks with Ian while he talks to her.

Ian: " I always loved your silver eyes. It's basically rare and powerful."

Ruby: " Powerful?"

Ian: " Yes I do met a silver eye warrior when I was a boy. I never forget what happened."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2020 ⏰

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