.˚ ₍🗒₎┊..⃗. chapter 1⌇

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Juniors, Chapter 1

"Hey Elena, Stella!" I heard Elian scream from across the oval, I turned my head as I was practicing a routine for the Cheer Team with Stella.

Stella and I ran up to Elian, practicing the Cheer Routine, up to the spot where Elian had stood. After we landed, he said with honesty, "Girls.. Legit. How can you do such an amazing routine in like less then a day?!"

Stella smiled at me then smiled back at Elian, "Thanks Elian, but Ele is better." After that statement, I glared at Stella, showing a sign that I will tackle her to the ground with million hugs and she won't be able to breathe if she says one more thing like that again. "I mean- she's amazing too!" Stella said nervously.

Elian laid on the grass, watching the clouds move, admiring the nature while Stella and I practiced our Cheer Routine. After we completed it a few times, I held my hand out for a high five and Stella smacked it. I made a statement, "Stella, we are perfectly ready for the tryouts!" Stella cheered and we both chuckled after she heard that statement that I had made.

I smiled at Stella as I wrapped my weak, tired arms around her neck, causing her to wrap her arms around my waist. Equaling a tight hug, after a few minutes, we has a small convo before we walk back to our corridor {hallway where they keep all the junior's lockers}

[At The Lockers]

Stella and I are talking about how we're going to be juniors and she predicts what's going to happen this year. Then he walks up to us. And by him, I mean. Ellio Hayes.

"Ellio, hi."

Ellio smirked at me, "Hey baby girl." Stella glared at him, warning him to drop the act. "Sorry, Stella." He smirked at Stella before walking off.

I laughed, "Scary Stella."

I grabbed all my books from my locker, ready for the next class. "Oi. Stella? Do we have a test today or tomorrow?" I was nervous, asking that question. As I remembered, I didn't study the night before.

"Today is the Maths one. Tomorrow is the History one. Why do you ask?" Stella said as she rubbed my shoulder, as soon as her fingers groped my shoulder, i shivered, i stressed. Over one test? Why?

"Why are you so tense?"

"Oh, no reason. Just. I didn't study."

Stella looked worried for me, but then she smiled at me. "Elena, you are the smartest person I know. You will pass, without studying. C'mon" She pulled me into a small hug, then let go, walking to our next class with me, which was time for the test.

[After The Test]

"Stella, how'd you go?" I chuckled as she wrapped her arms around me, us walking outside of school towards her car.

"Eh, I did fine. You?"

I sighed, groaning, I looked at the ground, leaning against her nice car. "Hm. I did okay, but I'd do better if I actually studied." I heard footsteps and a guy groaning, as he hopped in the car. Ellio.

"G-Girls. Gosh. I'm about to pass out." Ellio fell asleep in the car, panting. He had bruises across his face.

Stella forced me to sit in the back and make sure he was okay. I rubbed his face, before putting a bandage over his face where a horrible, bruise was under his eye. I relaxed, laying back on the rest of the drive to Stella's house.

When we got there, Ellio slowly opened his eyes. He noticed me, he looked at me confused. Before he hops out the car, running inside. I tiredly, walked inside heading to Stella's terribly, huge but beautiful, perfect room.

[Ellio's POV]

Huh.. Why was she next to me..?!

I felt my face and I felt a touch, i know this touch. Elena and I used to flirt but now that her and Stella are always hanging we can't anymore. I lost feelings. Anyway- I love how she cares, just like Stella, so many similarities but then you have the differences, she actually took care of me even though she knows i'm a jerk.

Stella was downstairs.

I sped upstairs, finding Elena laying on the bed, exhausted. I can't really fall for anyone, I'll just get hurt. I walked in and groped her hand, pulling her out and pulling her into my room, closing the door.

"Oh.. Ele.." I said with a seductive tone, groaning at her.

She stared at me rolling her eyes, "You know I hate that name, anyways- how are you doing? What even happened-

Before she could finish her sentence, I quickly stated, "Fine, thankyou." I said before smirking, I held her by the waist, i pulled in to the point where our noses were touching. In surprise, she didn't try and escape. She wrapped her soft arms around my neck. She leaned in to kiss me and i kissed her softly. After a few minutes, she started kissing my neck softly. I groaned, "No more, missy." She smirked at me, "I was just trying to get even." She then pulled away.

She softly brushed my hand before she left, closing the door behind me and there was a glaring Stella.

I- can't like her.. Sigh

[Back to Elena]

Stella continued to glare at me, "What tf were you doing in ELLIO'S room?! He never brings a girl in there."

I nervously responded to her statement and question, "I was checking how his bruises were."

Stella continued to glare, then believed my lie, I hated to lie to her. I'll just stop it with Ellio. Thought it was the end, but Ellio obviously wants to continue playing.

"I'm going to head home, Stella." I explained to Stella while she was tightly hugging me, my arms around her waist. "Bai bai."

Stella sighed, "I'll see you at school." She said before she let go of me whilst I let go of her. I grabbed my bag and my phone, I walked down the stairs and got to the front door, Ellio turned around and looked at me. Ellio sighed and avoided me, hm. I wonder what that was about. Eh. My house was a few streets away, so I just walked there.

Chapter 1 Ending

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