Hello Fellow Kids

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I usually hate when there is an introduction on a story, but there was no way I was leaving this at 9 chapters, ya girl loves even numbers (ew square numbers are disgusting). This is a story about a wee adventure the Inner Circle had making a new friend in their immortal lives. All characters belong to Sarah J. Maas - author of the A Court Of Thorns and Roses series. This is based after all 3 and the novella so if you're mid-series there's probably gonna be spoilers in here and if you haven't read the series, you might manage to understand this (shout out to my illiterate friend). There will be swearing and implications of sexual acts so all you kiddies be careful now.

Enjoy this crappy fanfic and if it's the middle of the night you insomniacs then:

Go. To. Bed.

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