1. trips to unknown places

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          WORD COUNT: 767

After the new album, it's safe to say the arctic monkeys been at their peak. But, now that the tour and everything is almost over, they just need a break from it all, I guess. A break from the fame, from the press, from the- well you get the idea, don't you? Alex told the lads that they should go on a road trip,

"I think we should like go on a road trip or summat?"
he said, not sure of what their responses will be.
Matt, Nick and Jamie nodded their heads, simultaneously. "Yeah, why not?" Matt added.

"Oh and erm not one a... across LA or something, like a proper remote place, a small town." Alex said
They all agreed.

"Jamie!" Matt yells, "D'ya have the scran?"

"Yeah!" He calls back.

Alex saw them run for the mini van they're using, as he put on his signature aviators, also making his way over to it. Matt climbs into the drivers seat, Jamie's riding shotgun and Nick and him are in the back. He's not sure if Matt is driving the whole way there, but he kind of hopes he is, because he and Nick are planning to get bat-shit drunk.

Matt starts the van and sticks on the radio, it's all that shitty mainstream stuff though, take that and all. Hes not that old, but old enough to know that take that are bollocks. So none of them have to deal with that shit, he hands him a tape of all his favourite songs.

"Al," Matt says, "Y'know you can just plug yer phone into it?"

He shook his head. I suppose I didn't know that, he thinks. He doesn't really keep up with all the phone and social media stuff, not really his jam.

Matt plugs his phone into something in the front of the van, and it starts playing music, The Strokes to be exact. Matt knows him well.
"Where are we goin'?" Nick asked Alex

"A small town," he said, "What I just told you about?"

Nick inhaled deeply, and as if something clicked in his brain he said, "Ohhhhhh! Yeah sorry, mate." Then he started smirking, "I've got them.." By them, Alex is pretty sure he meant he had loads of those tiny bottles of tequila you can get. "Nice," he says in return. "Gi'meh one." He picks his rucksack off the floor of the van and fiddles around in it for a brief second before pulling out two miniature bottles of tequila, "'ere ya go." Nick says, handing him one. "Why thank you." Alex says, trying his best to put on a posh accent.

Nick and Alex chug them down, he can feel the liquid starting to burn the back of his throat as it spills down into his liver then making its way to his stomach, he can't help the cough that escapes his lips as he grabs onto Nicks shoulder for support. "Phew!" Nick says after a cough.

Relentless to the last one, he holds his hand out and Nick places another onto it, he gets another one for himself.
"Cheers, mate." he says, "Cheers." Nick says back, they clink the small bottles together and take them down in one big gulp.

By the time the van stopped, Nick and Alex were both off their heads drunk, Matt had pulled up to some random motel in a town he didn't catch the name of. Matt and Jamie get out the van, pulling open the slidey door on his side. he picks himself up and let's his feet do the work, he was about to step out but, he feels something come crashing down onto his back, Nick and him tumble out the van, and end up falling onto the dirty gravel road.

"Argh!" Both he and Nick groan, "Nicholas, what the fuck?" he slurs. "Sorry, matey!" he slurs back, giddily.  He feels someone's hands on his shoulders, as they peel him off the ground, helping him into the little motel that Matt had pulled up at. They reached the reception after a series of toppling and turning from Nick and Him. He kept giggling at Nicks horrific jokes, his drunkenness making it ten times funnier.

"Welcome to sunny green motel, what can I do for ya?"

a/n: hey, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and all. Yeah that's all i can think of haha. Smell ya later x

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