Chapter 2

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    I didn't sleep at all last night, I was to excited to move to LA. I even got a great deal on a modern house with floor to ceiling windows which I absolutely love.

Luckily Ember was up in time and we made our flight. Time flew by so fast that before we knew it, we were standing in front of our new house in LA.

Jackie - Wow *looks around amazed* Ok, so I have to leave in *looks at the time* Oh my Gosh!!! I'm Late!!!

I completely forgot that we loose two hours when Traveling from Texas to LA. *Shocked*

Ember - I just called an Uber it will be here in 5.

I ran to the Uber and told him to take me to Atlantic Records ASAP!! We arrive and I rush to the front desk and ask for directions. At this point I'm sprinting towards the meeting room...when out of no where


Jackie - Ahhhh!!! *hits the floor drenched in coffee*

Blue-eyed Stranger -  *gasps* Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, are you ok?

Jackie - Yes, but my dress isn't.

*Both laugh*

Blue-eyed Stranger - I'm Daniel. *reaches out his hand*

I took Daniel's hand as he pulled me up to my feet.

Jackie - I'm Jackie. *smiles* I'm actually really late to a meeting, they're going to be so mad. *worried sigh*

The next thing I know, Daniel heads into the meeting where a man in a black suit is waiting.

Daniel - Hey, sorry to keep you waiting. I ran into Jackie and I accidentally spilled my coffee on her.

Black Suit - No worries Daniel, but next time watch where you're going. Try not to scary off incoming artists.

We both looked at each other and let out a small laugh, knowing that I basically trampled him.

Daniel - Will do sir.

Black suit - Now go on, you're late for your rehersals.

Daniel - *whispers to me* once you're done here, meet me in recording studio 8. I want to introduce you to my band. *smiles*

Jackie - *whispers back* Wouldn't miss it *smiles back*

Daniel then leaves and we get right to business. We went over the contract and any questions I had. At the end, it was signed and sealed.

Black Suit - It is going to be a long road ahead but we are excited to work with you.

With that, the meeting was over. I start to head to the studios to figure out which one is room 8. A door  swings open and I see Daniel walk out.

Daniel - Just in time, we actually just wrapped up.  *gestures to four people standing behind him*

Jackie - I can come back later if....

Daniel - No, I want to introduce you to my band mates.

shortest stranger - We perfer Best friends

Daniel - My bad...Best friends. Anyways that's Jack.

Jack - Hey!

Jackie - I'm Jackie *waves and smiles*

Daniel - This is Corbyn *gestures to the person on his right*

Corbyn - Hey, it's nice to meet you. He walked in today and could not stop telling us about you and the coffee spillage.

*we all laugh*

Jackie -  Yeah it was bad *laughs*

Daniel - This is Jonah and this is Zach.

Jonah - Hey! It's nice to meet you. Daniel was telling us you just signed with the label.

Jackie - Yeah, I actually just came out of a meeting going over my contract.

Zach - That's awesome!! We needed a new friend around here. *laughs*

Daniel - It's true, the only other artists around here are way older.

Jackie -  Well you're in luck, because I have exactly five spots open.

*all laugh*

Daniel - We're going to grab some dinner, can you join us? Please? *begging*

I could tell he was using his puppy dog eyes. I couldn't resist, he had such capturing blue eyes.

Jackie - *eye roll* Fine, but you have to buy me a drink.

Daniel - Deal

Jack, Corbyn, Jonah, Zach - Yess!!!

*all laugh*

Jackie - Is it okay if my friend comes? We actually just moved here together.

Daniel - Of course!

What will happen at dinner? What will Ember think of Jackie's new friends. Will their be any romantic sparks? Find out in the next chapter of  ~~ "Why Don't We" look at the stars.

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