Chapter 3

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(Jackie - Is it okay if my friend comes? We just moved here together.     Daniel - Of course!)

We headed to their car and from the looks of it, we were going to have to take two.

Jonah - Okay, we are going to have to split up. One of the cars can head to the restuarant and the other can pick up Jackie's friend.

Daniel - Ya'll can head to the resturant, Corbyn, Jackie, and I can go pick up Ember and meet ya'll there.

Jonah - Sounds good

Jack - okay, we'll see ya'll there

Zach - We need to reserve seven seats right?

Corbyn - Yeah.

Jackie - My place is only 15 minutes from here so it shouldn't take to long.

After that we all left. We headed to my house to pick up Ember. Hopefully She has no plans, even if she did I would make her cancel. *smiles* I better text her though.

~ Text Message ~

Jackie - Hey! We are coming to pick you up, we're going to go eat at a resturant tonight.

Ember - Who's we??

Jackie - I ran into some new friends. And I mean it literally. *laughs*

Ember - Okay, I'll get ready. What are their names?

Jackie - I'll introduc you in 5, we are almost there.

~ End of Text ~

Daniel - Hey guys we're here. Corbyn, isn't this by our house?

Corbyn - Yeah, it's like a 5 minute walk from us.

Jackie - That's so cool!!! Talk about new bestfriends!!

*all smiles*

Daniel - This is so awesome!!!

~ Daniel's POV ~
I Couldn't help but smile once Corbyn pointed out how close we live from each other. I'm so glad I offered to get Jonah's coffee today.

~ Jackie's POV ~
Wow!! We only live 5 minutes away *dreamy sign* Can my life be anymore perfect?! I'm so glad I was running late this morning.

~ Corbyn's POV ~
I feel like Jackie and Daniel may have some sort of chemi.....*stomach growls* man, I'm so hungry. I wonder what they have on the Menu?

I got down from the car to get Ember. She was really curious as to who I met.

Ember - Will you tell me who you met now?

Jackie - Their names are Daniel, Corbyn, Jonah, Jack, and Zach.

After I told her their names, I gave her a quick recap of what happened with me and Daniel, and how our little crash led to me meeting the band.

Ember - Oh My GOSH!!!! You met WHY DON'T WE!!!!! I love them!!! I can't believe you met them, and now we both are going to eat with them??!! *dramatically* I think I'm going to faint.

Jackie - *rolls eyes* Calm down, Daniel and Corbyn are in the car. The others are already at the resturant. Let's go.

We head to the car where the guys are waiting. I see that Corbyn has moved to the back seat and left me to sit in the front with Daniel. Hmm...I wonder.

Jackie - Hey guys, this is Ember. Ember meet Daniel and Corbyn.

Daniel - Hey Ember, it's nice to meet you.

Corbyn - Nice to meet you too.

Ember - Likewise. I just want to say that I love ya'll!!! Ya'lls music is amazing!!!

Daniel - Thanks

*all smiles*

Jackie - Yeah, She's a huge fan, she got after me for not telling her sooner. In my defense I didn't know that this was the band she listened to 24/7 *laughs*

*all laugh*

We head to the resturant and finally order some food. I was starving, and I could definitely tell Corbyn was too. His stomach was growling the whole way there *laughs*.

Ember met the other guys and fan girled a little bit but they seemed to really get along with each other. I think she may have a crush on Corbyn. They would not stop talking in the car let alone in the resturant. I think I even saw Ember blush a few times. *chuckles*

Jonah - I paid the check, do ya'll want to come hang out with us at our place? Daniel told me that ya'll only live like 5 minutes away.

Jackie - Yeah! sounds like fun

Daniel - It's usually boring there but since YOU are.....ughmm....and Ember are going to be there it's going to be awesome.

For a moment I was so sure that Daniel was just going to say my name. My heart literally skipped a beat. I looked at him and felt my cheeks go red after he corrected himself.

Ember - I can't wait!!! Ya'll are my new bestfriends, sorry Jackie.

Jackie - *laughs* Hey!!!

*all laugh*

Jack - We better get going. We need as much time as we can get with our new besties *smiles*

Zach - I second that!!!

Daniel - okay no more said *laughs*

We all head out and break off into two cars. This time it's Jonah, Corbyn, Ember, and Zach; then Daniel, Jack, and I in the other car.

Jackie - Ember

She knew just from that....we headed towards each other and did our secret handshake.

Jack - That's so cool!! since we are going to be bestfriends, we all need one.

Daniel - agreed

Jackie - Yess!!

*all laugh*

After that we headed to the cars and drove off.

What will happen in the car ride to the guy's house? Will there be any more crushes? what will they do when they get to their house? Stay tuned for the next chapter of "Why Don't We" look at the stars.

A.N - I hope you like this story. Any feed back or comments are more than welcomed. I love writing for ya'll, I hope you enjoy this story.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2020 ⏰

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