Part 11

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"I'll have to get going", Lilith spoke up as we came down from the car, in front of my house, I told bianca to wait behind, coz I wanted to tell her about jason.

"Ohh, owk, we'll talk later", bianca told her. We watched her, still wondering why she was so down today, she entered the car and drove away.

"Ok, so how was it? ", bianca said while turning to me. What is she saying now?

"Who was what? ", I asked curiously. "Your friendly date yesterday", she said quoting the friendly. She would never change.

"Ohh about that, let's go inside first, I'll tell you all about it", I said dragging her along with me.

She sat at the kitchen chair, while I stood, trying to prepare what we were going to eat, its already 4 pm and I haven't eaten, am really hungry.

"Ohk, so he asked me if I had a boyfriend", I started,I could see her already smiling, she clapped her hands in excitement.

"And, and, what did you say! ", she asked, she couldn't wait for me to reply her.

"Well, I told him I was crushing on this imaginary senior guy that isnt in our school, by the name Jesse, I said he had a girlfriend already and didn't want to be any problem between them".

Bianca was already frowning, yup I guess she is disappointed at me, I mean she knows I like jason, but she didn't expect me to lie when I had the chance to tell him.

"My lord, what have you done? ", she says with her palm on her head, "you fucking had the chance to tell him".

"I know, but I felt it was just too early, and besides when I asked him he said he wasn't interested in having any now. "

"I mean, what if I had told him, he would have totally turned me down and even hurt me, thank goodness I didn't".

I clearly stated to bianca, she just sat there watching we while I was explaining.

"Soo, you are trying to tell me now that, that he isn't interested in dating now?, wow", she finally spoke up.

"Yes, unfortunately", I said.

"Ok, then you'll make him fall for you then, that's easy", she said, really, that's the idea she could come up with?

"Bianca, I can't just force someone to love me, I really can't, it won't work out that way, you know it. "I said, declining her idea. How's that even possible?

"Well, its possible, you could just get close enough as possible as you can to him, and if you are charming enough, he would definitely fall for you", she said.

Oh now am definitely done with this conversation, if he want to like me, I don't want it to be by force, I want it to be sincere love.

I just stood from where I was already sitting, i left what I was preparing to listen to bianca, and now, am done.

"Come on babe, am serious, he would, just try it", she said. I just say, "whatever " without looking at her.

"Ohh, yh, we are meeting tomorrow again", I said, telling bianca, "nicee, so he can't stay a day without you", she says, wiggle her eyebrow.

I wouldn't react to that, let me just ignore, coz I'll just end up loosing to her, I really don't have her strength.

We ate and i asked about Andrew, she said he was owk, he had been very busy lately, he was training really hard for the completion they had next week Saturday

So they have a big competition and jason didn't inform me, his whiling away his time with me, oh no, his being distracted.

He is coping with the drama club and dinners and all and still there is a big competition ahead.

Tho he hasn't complained of any of it to me, but I insist he could have told me.

Bianca and I exchanged our goodbyes and she headed to her house, her house isn't really far from mine, she just lives two streets away from mine.

I haven't used my phone since the time I ran into that woman at the store. And it really feels like am forgetting something.

Oh shit!!!

I didn't end my call with jason, he must have been so worried, I mean when my phone fell to the ground it must have disconnected.

I rushed to the dining table to get my phone, 6 missed calls and 5 texts from jason.

                  Jason❤:babe, what's the problem?
                   Jason❤:please answer me, am getting really worried.
                 Jason❤:what happened, your phone hasnt  going through.
                 Jason❤:babe please answer me, your getting me really scared.
                 Jason❤:let me come over and check if you are alright.

Oh no, he must have really thought something was wrong, I made him worry so much. Maybe when the phone fell it mistakenly went to silent.

No wonder I wasn't even alert that my phone was ringing or any notification.

I quickly dialed his number and called him, it didnt even take long for him to answer the phone.

"Am really sorry for making you worry, nothing happened, I ran into someone and my phone fell, that's all, I really didn't kow that my phone was on silent", I explained immediately he answered the phone.

I could hear him breath out loudly out of relief, I could sense that he was really tensed.

"Thank goodness, it feels so good to know that you aren't in any sort of danger", he says.

"I am not, and thanks for caring tho", I said across the phone.

"Why would you say such a thing?, why wouldn't I care?, you are my friend, I would always care, no matter what", I heard him say, and my heart sank into my stomach on hearing him say 'friend'.

I really wish we were more than friends. I smiled, hoping my wish would be granted someday.

"Well about tomorrow, I'll come pick you by eight, I want us to leave early, so we would have time to our selves before dark"

"Ok no problem, eight it is", I told him.

we exchanged good nights and he was about to hang up when he said those words my ears have been longing to hear, "I love you".

My world was spinning around, just until he added, "as a friend tho", really?... Did he really have to add that?

"Ok ok, I love you too as a friend also", I rolled my eyes, "eight it is, make sure you come early so we wouldn't meet traffic on the way".

"I wouldn't, I'll be there earlier", he says and hangs up.

I took my shower and changed into something light to sleep, I switched off the light, and lay on the bed, I couldn't stop imagining jason and I together.

And also, I am really worried about lilith, what could be wrong with her?...... Sincerely, she has made me to be concerned about her, I never really liked her.

Now I am eager to hear her out, I hope she would open up to me.

What do you guys think really happened to lilith?😖
Do you also imagine jason and kiara as a couple? ☺

Well let's find out, keep the story going and drop your comments and votes.

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