We're Together?

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M for mature for sure.

Iglika's POV

I wake up cuddled up to Stanislav. I've never slept so good.

I'm running my hand through his hair when I feel his hand encircle my wrist. He kisses it, "morning. Did you sleep good?"

I feel butterflies. What am I? Fucking 15.

I pepper kisses all over his face. He grabs onto my hair and kisses me. It feels like it goes on forever but it also feels over to soon.

"Are we doing anything today?" He asks.

"We can if you want. I never have any plans. I do have to do my rounds so I guess we could do something after?"

"That sounds good." He pecks me on the lips and gets off the bed. "Can I ask a serious question? And please don't get offended."

I'm hesitant, "I can't promise that but go ahead."

He nods, "am I allowed to go home?"

What!? Does he really think I wouldn't let him go home?

Wow. I may be reading this whole situation wrong. Does he think he is a fucking captive?

I get up quickly to leave the room.

I want to be alone.

He reaches out for me, "Iglika."

"Of course. You're not my goddamn prisoner."

I go straight to my dining room. It has the most breakable shit in it. Everything I own can be replaced.

I'm throwing plates and vases. I am pissed at myself. I can't blame him for feeling that way. He has seen some disturbing shit it the last two days. Trust is built, earned. I've earned nothing but scaring him.

As I think this I'm still breaking shit. The glass smashing is like music to my ears. I always hope that the noises will be so loud that I can't hear myself think.

They never are.

I look around the dining room. It's a fucking disaster. I have got to try and stop solving everything with violence.

I sit in the middle of the floor and look at my hands.

No blood so that's good.

I wouldn't be surprised if Stanislav never comes back and rightfully so. I'm toxic as fuck.

My temper is out of control.

I reach up and touch my face. I'm crying.

Why am I crying all the damn time now? This is ridiculous.

Stanislav's POV

"Of course. You're not my goddamn prisoner."

Her words echo in my mind. How do I seriously say the worst fucking things? It's like my mouth hates me.

I hear her storm down the stairs and moments later I hear a lot of things being smashed. It sounds like a whole room full of shit.

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