T H I R T Y - T W O

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"Would you stop thanking me? It's freaking me out." 

"I can't help that I'm grateful, geez." I said to Olive.

Yep. You heard right. I didn't know where else to turn to so I decided on going to the girl I thought hated me. However, the past week told me otherwise. She took me in after a weird sobbing call from me, and let me stay with her as long as I needed to I guess. Which ended up being a week, and I was almost certain her roommate hated me.

"You know I'm glad I got you here." Olive said smiling then raised her voice, "Ugly Betty over here has been a pain in my ass since the fall!"

"Same to you whore!" Her roommate yelled back. 

Ever since I was here, they bickered almost every day. They were always arguing about something and well, better her than me. I was on Olive's bed munching on some pretzels while she rummaged through her closet. "Where are you going?" I asked.

"Party, duh. It's pink themed." Olive said pulling out a light pink body con dress. 

I raised my eyebrows, "Sounds fun."

She threw a random pink shirt at me, "You're coming. Put it on."

"Eh, why not." I agreed.

I got ready quickly and paired the hot pink shirt with some jeans because the weather was getting colder. Lucky for me, I had brought enough clothes to last me this past week but I knew I would have to return and figure out what my next move was going to be. I couldn't just hide forever.

"My friends are outside, are you ready?" Olive asked. Of Course, she was out of the door so I assumed she was leaving without me even if I wasn't ready.

I walked out with her and saw a big SUV with booming music on. There was a guy with a scruffy beard driving and a petite girl with bright pink hair hanging out of the backseat. "Hop in bitches!" She said.

Olive hopped in the passenger seat and kissed the man in the beard, I guess she got a boyfriend. I sat next to the brunette and smiled nicely at her, "Hunter, this is my boyfriend Chris and one of my friends Lola."

"You're so adorable!" Lola exclaimed hugging me tight.

"Don't mind her, she's on her like second pill." Chris said from the front seat.

"Pill?" I asked curiously.

Olive laughed and nudged Chris, "She doesn't know about that kind of stuff."

It dawned on me that they were talking about drugs, "Oh, pills."

"Want one?" Lola said dangling one in my face.

"No thanks.." I said with a tight smile facing the window.

Thankfully they had turned up music so no one could bother me. I was beginning to think this was a mistake. I wasn't just talking about going to the party but coming to this college as a whole. So far everything was going wrong, and I had just started the year. I was looking forward to spring break so I could go back home and just be with my family. It'd be a lot better than this shit.

"Finally." Lola said climbing out of the car and marching up the house. From the banners, I realized this was a frat house and I could see most of the guys at the door rejecting people left and right. Of course they let any girl in, so I was confused if Chris wouldn't even get in. As the three walked ahead of me, I saw Chris handshake the guys In front then figured he was apart of the frat.

"Ladies." A guy said to us opening the door to the home. 

Walking in I could see every single person in pink and the walls were covered in LED lights and silly string. I wondered why they had chosen pink, but who was I to judge. A random EDM song started playing and everyone was dancing crazily. I saw Lola take her top off to reveal a glittery pink bra, that actually suited her so well. I hoped she stayed safe.

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