⚡⚡crime lab⚡⚡

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So have you guys ever got a print on the flash? Wally asks we have... Well we think we have the problem is the flash appears to be a role model citizen cause his prints aren't in the system. Well that rules me out as the flash Wally says with a laugh. Like our latest scene one of the fatalities had the flashs finger prints on his chest. He fell out a building more then likely flash was trying to save him Patty says. What... Barry says. Unfortunately even he wasn't fast enough Patty says. I'd just run... If I was the flash... I'd run forever.... I'd just run forever Wally says. You'd eventually die... The toll it would take on you're body eventually you'd fade away Barry says. You afraid I'm going to enjoy it here for five seconds aren't you Wally says. So what's you're dream in life Wally? Barry asks as they eat there pizza. To make YouTube videos of me playing videogames and being payed to do that Wally says. That's not a bad dream I already do that just I don't make videos or get payed says Patty. But what's you're real dream Barry says. I don't have a dream.. just one day at a time you get me Barry Wally says. Yeah... But everyone has dreams. And you're smart if you applied yourself who knows what you could do Barry says. I like the way you think see I'm gonna apply myself to this piece of Pizza and then I'm gonna to eat it and who knows what will happen. Wally says. You and Barry have a lot a common he eats like a horse too. Says patty. That's true I do like food what do you say to... Round two asks Barry. Are challenging me to an eating contest cause I'm just waiting for this... Me entire life I've been waiting for this Wally says. The glass in the pizza place shatters and the ground starts shaking what's that patty asks. It's sonic boom... I'll go check it out stay here Barry says. He runs out he turns into the flash. He sees a trail of red lighting an speedster in red infront of him. He chases thawne. WHO ARE YOU??? Flash screams the run throw the city the lighting generating from the fight is causing sparks. Thawne runs up a building and Barry chases him. He then jumps roof top to roof top. He runs on the ground near the pizza place and grabs one of his lighting bolts he phases through a gas tanker and it explodes... Oh man flash says as he sees it in slow motion. He sees a woman pushing her stroller he grabs them both and runs them out of reach there's another man crossing the road he runs him back he grabs everyone in the cars and pulls them away he grabs blankets and air mattress and covers buildings around with them. Wally sees an elderly man he looks homeless in the alleyway WALLY STOP PATTY SCREAMS I can't save them... Barry thinks as he's pouring sweat.... He runs to the to grab Wally and Patty. He runs and jumps. the trailer explodes shrapnel is flying it knocks the flash down Wally stands infront of the man and a piece of metal is in his arm. Wally BARRY? patty screams out. The flash looks up NOOOOOO he screams theres a loud clap of thunder and a lighting bolt comes from the sky it hits the strappnel in Wally's chest. WALLY Flash screams as he trys to reach him with no avail. Wally falls to the ground Flash grabs him and runs him to a hospital.... Barry where is he? Iris says frantically as she runs down the Hallway. He's in there Barry says I just wanted to help him... This was a mistake Iris says.
This isn't you're fault I should have done more. I could have done more Barry says... Hi are you the mother asks Dr. Neil. No I'm his aunt. Please tell me he's going to be okay says Iris. Well I have weird news hes.. doing great. His vitals are fine he's actually doing really well for someone who's been hit. He's actually doing better then someone who wasn't Dr Neil says. How's that possible asks Iris. My guess... Maybe the metal in his arm took the blast. Dr. Neil says and the metal is hurt from that? Barry asks. Doesn't have a scratch on him.. fast healer. technically there's no medical term for him... But I think the word miracle is fitting. Says Dr. Neil. The Dr walks off. Iris... What if Barry says. What you that's no Iris says. Actually it makes thinks Bruce said when we were fighting Starro it's possible I could be connected to a speed force. I always thought I got my abilities by the lighting and chemicals... Maybe it was just the lighting Barry says. We don't know anything and Wally? Iris says. Makes sense the rapid healing... Also there's another speedster. He blow up the truck maybe Bruce is right maybe there's a speed force... Maybe that's what happened to Wally when me and the other speedster where fighting Barry says another speedster who is it Iris ask.. I'm not sure... But I'm not gotten a good feeling about it....

The Flash: Running in reverseWhere stories live. Discover now