⚡⚡ And then there was two⚡⚡

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Wally leaves the hospital...

I can see things.... Things slowly down... This is insane Wally says. I think you're like me Barry adds... Like you Wally asks. Wally put you're foot forward... Think of what you want most and then run... Barry says. Wally gets ready he thinks of his dad and whoosh he's running faster then ever WHOA... WOOOO he screams
Barry chases after him. You're the flash Wally says. Barry shakes his head in agreement it's like the worlds moving but not moving and you'd think id be tired but I'm not.... I can see things. I'm fast...  Hey I can be you're robin...  I can be speedy robin... Or you could be my robin either way someones a robin says Wally... I don't think Iris would approve but... Fine however we could train a little says Barry.

Most important thing is hitting you have to be careful you're fist are like bullets you can't run mach 5 and punch someone's face with out ramifications Barry says. Got it don't punch there face.  Wally says.

Then there's phasing it's not easy but it let's you pass through objects try it. Barry says to Wally he tries running into a wall and hits it. Again. Barry says. You can't be serious Wally says. Phasing is really useful Barry adds Wally hits the wall again.. slow down just cause you can run doesn't mean it solves everything Barry adds fine wall says he slows down and makes it. YESS YES YES Wally says.

How do we stop Wally asks..
Simple we just stop... Barry says
I think of Iris Barry says
Blah blah Wally says as he makes vomiting noises..
Wally eventually gets it.
I'm hungry why am I hungry. Wally asks you burn a lot of calories when running you have to eat alot to keep you're metabolism up and you don't gain weight. Barry says eat all I want and no weight best super power ever I'll race you to a buffet! Wally says...

The Flash: Running in reverseWhere stories live. Discover now