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Izuku always knew that the world wasn’t perfect. He knew that it wasn’t all cupcakes and rainbows. He knew this because it was just common knowledge. But even then, he was still young, naïve, and full of hope. He dreamed of being a hero and making the world a better place (perfect or not) and tried his hardest to do what he could.

That is, until he was diagnosed quirkless…

That day was the day Izuku’s whole world flipped upside down.

At first, when he heard the diagnosis, he only heard white noise. Then, everything began to settle in and come crashing down. He heard his mom yelling something about there being a mistake, he heard his heartbeat run faster by the second before an overload of emotions overcame his every thought. He was crying and hyperventilating and then he went numb, and completely quiet. Then, there was ringing, and then he was on his way home.

If you ever met Inko Midoriya, you would say that she is a kindhearted, sweet, charismatic, and logical woman. She had a heart of gold and solid steel determination. Nothing could ever bring her down, that is, until now.

The doctor began, “I have run some tests and the results seem conclusive,” he took a deep breath “I apologize but it seems that your son is quirkless.” Inko gasped and she saw her son freeze, “I recommend you give up on your hero dream now, before you get yourself hurt.” He stated.

In that moment, Inko only saw red, she began yelling at the man, saying, “HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT TO MY BABY!” and, “There has to be a mistake! I can't have a useless child! What will I do with it now?! Do you know how hard it is to...” She continued to rant and rave about the struggles of motherhood and things of that sort. Soon enough, security came in and escorted her off of the premises. But, not before she gave the doctor a good slap. Afterwards, she reluctantly put Izuku into the car, still fuming from what the man said, they drove in silence with Izuku not wanting her to go through more stress. The drive home had a cold, sad, bitter feeling in the air and the question looming over the mother-son duo. ‘What now?’

When the pair entered their home silently with Inko still silently glaring at Izuku with disgust in her eyes, a warm smile was given to them and the man walked over.

Midoriya Hisashi, a once caring man, would soon become one of the people that Izuku hated the most. Izuku ran to his father and gave him a tearful hug, which surprised him, and then looked at him with watery eyes that told him something had happened. Hisashi looked up at Inko to see she had the most furious face that he had ever seen. He stood up holding Izuku in his arms and asked the question that ruined their lives, “What’s wrong?”

A little over a week after Hisashi learned of his sons’ quirklessness, he left not wanting to deal with Inko and her toxicity, leaving an already broken family in more pieces than before. The week was already stressful for Izuku, His dream was shattered after learning he was quirkless, his best friend Kaccan betrayed his trust and began to make fun of him with the other kids, his parents were always fighting and screaming about how he is a failure or how he just needs support, each coming from their respective parties, and during all of this he has never once been asked how he feels or told it would be alright. He was never given the needed time to cope.

His father leaving was the last thing that tipped the family over the edge.

His “mother” Inko began to slowly lose her self-control and now she had pushed her sanity to the limit.

It started with her yelling at him, berating him to vent her frustrations with the distinct smell of liquor always in the air surrounding her. But slowly, it became much worse. She would begin to get physical, slapping him, beating him when he screamed or cried, she would even throw him around like a doll to be played with just to make her point if he ever retaliated. And as if it couldn’t get any worse, the bullies from school and a group of kaccan’s friends were always finding new ways to hurt him every day. Like it’s some sort of sick game.

Everything continued on like this, for years Izuku’s life was absolute torture and his only relief was his alone time when he could write his analysis on the latest hero fight. It was his only way of letting it all out. But, all good things must come to an end. Especially in Izuku’s case. And the day that his broken world imploded was the same day he had given up on everything.

It was the day he made the worst and best mistake of his life. The day he ran away.

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