An Announcement and An Apology

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Uhm... hello! It's your friendly, stupid, idiotic author Malt. As you could probably tell, it has been awhile. I am so so so so sorry that i haven't posted for this fic since... holy shit since July. I completely forgot to let anyone know that i wasn't going to be writing and i want to give an explanation as to why. It wouldn't be fair of me to to just leave this here and never explain why i disappeared because i know people hate when authors do that.

Warning: Info packed paragraph ahead

Basically what happened was that about a week after posting the last chapter, i was almost finished with the next few chapters and was excited because they were each around 7-12k words and i was proud of how much i had accomplished. Then, out of nowhere the power in my neighborhood got shut off. Turns out some kids got sick of staying at home and decided to mess with balloons next to the power line, thinking it would be fun. This caused a sequence of obvious events that resulted in me not having internet or power on my computer for 2 days. When we finally got power back i went straight to posting the chapter since the first one was already late. You can probably see where this is going, it was all gone and days worth of inspiration filled work was put down the drain. This stressed me out like crazy and i was franticly trying to write a chapter with at-least a thousand words that i could build off of but i just couldn't. I felt defeated and disappointed in myself which was not good for my mental health. To top it all off, the school i go to decided to open 5 weeks earlier then most schools so i was pushed into trying to keep my grades up. After all of that i just couldn't bring myself to write anything or make anything new that i could commit to. So, for the sake of this fic and my health i am putting this on hold to be either rewritten or continued when i have more time (maybe during the holidays or something?) and putting my focus on the thing happening to me irl. Keep in mind that this does not mean i am not planning on writing anything else in the meantime. I have a few one and twoshot ideas that i want to put out there, one of which i may post at some point soon depending on my schedule. I just wont be putting out any long-term fics like this.

I hope you all can understand! Thank you for taking the time to read this fic, hope that you stick around for me to see you all in the future!

P.S. You can find me on discord @ Malt The Stressed One#4077 if you wan't to chat! See you all soon :)

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