【Quick In-between Chapter】

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"Never meet your heroes!"

When Izuku was younger, the statement sounded strange to him. This was because he thought, 'Why wouldn't I want to meet my favorite heroes? They are so awesome!' 

Little did he know how true that statement would be for him one day.

"Kacchan! Kacchan!" A young Izuku was yelling while running into his daycare.

"What is it Izu-chan? Did you get your quirk yet?" A small and less rage filled Katsuki questioned, giving a look of anticipation.

"No, not yet! But, me and mama are going to the quirk doctor later to find out what my quirk is!" Izuku squealed.

Tch Fricking finally! I have been waiting forever to start quirk training with you and the hag!"

Kacchan! It's not nice to call Auntie Mitsuki a hag! That's mean!" Izuku huffed.

The two continued to go back and forth with different jabs and ideas for what Izukus' quirk could be until the end of the day endedded before either had realized. Then, it was off to the quirk doctor to see what quirk he would get. That day would soon become the worst day of his life.

"I'm sorry but your son won't be developing a quirk anytime soon. You should give up while you're ahead." The blunt doctor stated, not knowing that he had just ruined the poor child's life.

At home, Izuku ran past his dad and to his room for his parents to talk. As he turned on his computer and watched a video of his favorite hero, All Might, during his debut saving people with a smile. Izuku turned to his father and asked her a simple yet life changing question. "I'm sorry Izuku, I'm so so sorry!" His father said as he began to cry along with his son while they hugged. Needless to say his answer was not helpful, in fact it crushed his spirit more that he didn't believe in him.

/Time Skip And Small P.O.V Change/

Dad has been gone for a few days now. I hope he is alright… ' Those were the last positive thoughts Izuku had about anyone in his family before he decided that they weren't his real family anymore.

"So, what quirk did you get Izu-chan? No way it's cooler than mine!"

"I-i'm sorry K-K-Kacchan… but, I'm quirkless.." Izuku said teary eyed.

Katsuki stiffened, eyes wide and mouth gaping.

"Hey, did you know that Izuku can be said as Deku ? It means someone that can't do anything. That's what you are! A useless Deku! "

"Kacchan! That's mean!" Izuku said with a sniffle.

"Hahahaha", the whole classroom laughed at him while he was covered in burns and chalk dust. "Never forget your place you useless Deku! You'll never be better than me so stop looking down on me!" Bakugou yelled while blasting an explosion in his face. Luckily the bell rang so he ran out of class quickly. Today was not his day. He opened the door and heard a yell, 'sigh' he thought, 'I guess it's time to ask right back into hell' He walked into the house. He would never call it a home, it was never a home, never his home atleast. 

Hours passed but they felt like years, he cupped his newly bandaged bruise with his hand. He was starving, but he couldn't risk getting caught in the fridge again, he would be limping for days like last time. He went to sleep in pain a little past midnight. 'Another day, another new scar' he thought before passing out due to the throbbing pain.

Basically the only major change in the overall story is that in the crying scene I switched out Inko for hisashi so that it would make more sense plot wise. P.S. the ending is the events right before chapter 1

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