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A short explanation: sorry for not posting for so long. I had to deal with some family stuff and there wasn't much time to post this chapter. Though, I do have an announcement. Since I like to multitask and can't stay doing one thing at a time, I have chosen to do another series that will be getting chapter 1 posted soon. Also, for those on Wattpad, no I am not talking about Endless Possibilities. I'm still holding off working on that for after I finish this or the other series I'm working on because that project will take a lot of my time and I don't want to spread myself too thin. The new series which will only be on Wattpad, apologies to Ao3 readers it's just easier to post there, will be very similar to this one except for the more major and obvious differences between them that you will find out about soon. Also, NEW COVER! I felt like making a new one since the old one was a bit too bland for me. That is all, you may now enjoy this chapter and people on Wattpad be on the lookout for the new series.



Third Person Bakugou P.O.V

The school bell rang and classes began. Katsuki was sitting in his seat while the extras were saying their normal shit about what they did on the weekend and other things that he couldn't care less about. Then they said something that caught his eye. 

"Hey, did you guys here?" Said extra #1, "There's a new student coming to the school today. There's a rumor going around that he has a villains' quirk and we should stay away from him." A few of the extras gasped, "How could they let a villain in the school?!" Said one extra "I heard that if he talks to you he can make you do what he wants!" Said another extra, "Eww!!! he could make me do weird stuff! Someone should stop him from talking before he does something villainous to us!" Said one of the older girl extras. 

One of the losers, the one with long hands Katsuki noted, came up to him and said, "Hey Bakugou! Why don't we teach that kid a lesson for being such a villain before he does something bad." Katsuki stared at him with his eyebrow raised, "You're going to be a hero right? Don't you want to keep the villains' away from all the innocent people?" 

Katsuki sat up while he processed what the extra said. His face slowly curled up into a bloodthirsty smile and said, "Yeah, let's show him his place. He needs to understand that we don't let dirty little villains walk around here." Katsuki's devilish grin grew wider in anticipation. 'Finally' he thought, 'I'm gonna take down a real villain!' he smirked to himself as the final bell rang.

Izuku's P.O.V.

Izuku was super happy. No, he was ecstatic! He had shown Shinsou to class and they got to know each other. As they talked they realized they had much in common. For example they liked cats and both had slight insomnia (though he thinks that Shinsou has it worse based on the bags under his eyes). And as if it couldn't get any better, he wants to be a hero just like him!

He has been waiting to ask about his quirk. But, only because people usually ask for his in return. If it wasn't for that he would be happily spewing different questions left and right but he wanted to avoid losing his new and only friend at all costs. 

That means staying clear of people that are friends with Kacchan. They would go out of their way to make his life a nightmare and this would make their day. Luckily, he didn't have any of them in his homeroom and that meant the majority of the day was spent talking or doing their classwork. One kid did come up to them but they heard Kacchan yelling in the class down the hall(something about taking out villains? Probably talking about his future as a hero) and quickly sat back down. One of the few perks of having Kacchan as a tormenter was that no one dared to approach him that wasn't an upperclassmen or Kacchan and his friends. So class was mostly peaceful apart from the normal gossiping and the talk about Shinsou being in the class for the rest of the school year.

The day was going by fast and by the time he checked the clock the lunch bell had rung and he was about to rush out before he remembered Shinsou and ended up pulling him along before Kacchan found them. He was heading outside ,still dragging Shinsou, towards a secluded spot that none of the other students bothered to visit because there were too many plants and bugs but if they were to go past a little farther they would find a secret garden of sorts that became a safe haven for him because of the constant bullying during lunch. One he reached the door, he was about to walk out when he heard a familiar yell from behind him. "DEKU!" He froze. He really didn't want to know what was waiting for him if he turned around now. But, he knew that if Katsuki came near him and Shinsou then he could let it slip that he was… and he didn't want that to happen. So, he did the only thing that made sense, he held onto Shinsou's arm tight and after his brief moment of hesitation, he ran for the hills.

Shinsou's P.O.V.

Hitoshi knew that something was off with Midoriya. He kept averting his eyes, as to not make eye contact, like he was anxious and was hiding something. Though he, of course, didn't tell the boy this out loud. It was sad to see such a bright and energetic kid look so empty and scared all the time. When he was in class he noticed the strange looks he was getting from the rest of the class. They all looked at him like he was the strangest thing in the world. This would usually be expected when there is a new kid at school. That is, if it weren't for the disgusted looks they were giving to his new sentient broccoli of a friend, who just ignored them and kept rambling away about the newest hero debut (Hawks, he thinks). 

This wasn't even the strangest thing to Hitoshi. The strangest thing to him was when they went to art and Midoriya took one look inside, told Hitoshi to wait, and then proceeded to walk through the door that Hitoshi then realized had a bucket with pins above it. He watched it fall into his friends bush green hair and all over his head. Hitoshi was worried and wondered who would do something so extreme to the poor boy, when he saw Midoriya simply walk it off and head to his seat like it was no big deal and continue their conversation from where they left off. Now, that was worrying.

The bell to let out for lunch and Midoriya excitedly (more like instinctively) ushered them both out the door. He was pulling Hitoshi along towards a door leading outside and said he wanted to show him the coolest place in school to eat lunch. Hitoshi was wondering what it was and wh-"DEKU!" It was the name yelled from across the hall, with heaps of venom flowing and spewing out from each letter, that made Midoriya freeze up and left a sour taste in Hitoshi's mouth.

Hitoshi turned to see who had yelled from all the way down the hall to see what looked like an angry pomeranian swiftly making it's way through the crowd towards the pair. Midoriya began to not-so-subtly shake in fear and slowly inched towards the door. Hitoshi took one last look into the firey eyes of the person racing to them before Midoriya made a mad dash for wherever they were going, pulling Hitoshi along with him. He was supprised at his strength but also confused at what just happened. He had a lot of questions for Midoriya.

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